March 16th, 2008

[info]kingofskaters in [info]tall_tales

Well, I've only got one, and I'm keeping him. Hee.

[info]kingofskaters - Topher Lyons.

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

I suggested before that maybe we should "borrow" a real school's calendar to use for LPA's scheduling of things, just to make things easier and consistent with so many of us playing students and most of us having NO idea most of the time when things are taking place.

I didn't really get a response to that, but I think this one could work well and I think it's important to get the schedule sorted since I think our kids would all like to know when their Spring Break actually is. If we go with that schedule? It'd be March 21-April 4 (if you count Good friday as part of Spring Break, even though, by that calendar, they have off because of Good Friday/Easter, with break starting right after).

Anyway... objections? I've been avoiding having my own characters make reference to specific dates, but it's close enough now that I think an official timeline would be a good idea.

.. and with that? I am running back to my hiatusing. :P