March 4th, 2008

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

Soooo.. say I was considering making a boy or two to help shift that whole insane male/female balance in-game..

any particular Tales/PB's/SL's needing filled?

I'm not 100% sure I'm apping anyone knew, but I thought I'd throw that out, just in case.

♥ Lena

[info]wornslippers in [info]tall_tales

Apology - Hiatus - Health Update

Apparently it's NOT vertigo because it should've gone away by now.
I know I said I'd be on again but apparently the medication worked semi short term and gave false illusion of hope.

I'm back to feeling like complete shit and not really being able to be on the computer.

I want to apologize for saying I'd be back this weekend and then not showing up. My health was NOT good and I wasn't able to be on. I miss RPing and this all just SUCKS.

I have to go to a neurologist. It's all kind of scary... there might be something wrong with my BRAIN... I mean, how scary is that?

On top of all of this my mom was diagnosed with diabetes.

Please keep us both in your prayers and thoughts.

Hopefully I'll be soon back to health and soon to have a second family computer.
