March 2nd, 2008

[info]pamolly in [info]tall_tales

Hey, TaT!

Lena has another LPAer!

This is Teegan. She's a senior and I could tell you all about her.. or I could just link you to her info. She's Robbie's BFF, though she doesn't really have that blind loyalty down, so she won't automatically hate anyone who doesn't get along with Robbie. She's really independent and creative and just.. a lot of fun. And, yep, she looks familiar if you're a Degrassi fan, because her PB is Melissa McIntyre, who I have always thought was gorgeous and very PBable.

Anyway, she really doesn't have any plot aside from Robbie, so please hit me up for anything and everything you might want/need.

Also, I want to pimp my second Reed sibling - [info]dreamadream - from last week, since I didn't really get any response. She'd know her siblings, obviously and probably also anyone around her age who grew up in Chicago, but she could know anyone in any city since she travels. It'd be awesome if I could get some plot going there and for my other newbie - [info]allana.

I might actually be on AIM tomorrow, since I have a day off, so hit me up at heylenabee or just drop me a comment.

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

Dear TaT,

Just FYI, IJ is completely failing at comment notifications. I am getting.. maybe half of them? So if you tag something/comment to me and I don't respond, it's because either IJ didn't email me or I did reply and it didn't email you.

That said, I am way too exhausted to thread tonight, but I should be around tomorrow.

♥ Lena
(AIM: heylenabee)