February 16th, 2008

[info]pumpkin_eater in [info]tall_tales

Hey guys,

After thinking about it for awhile, I've decided to drop Harry here. Thanks to all of you who offered up some plot with him, but I just can't seem to find him in my head, or get inspired to do anything for him. Sometimes a character works well on paper but it doesn't translate to RP well. So that's sad, but I'm moving on. I do have eight other strapping young characters all ready to play, though! :)

Oh, and Gracie ([info]clockstruckone) will be looking for a job in NYC pretty soon. She eventually wants to get into publishing, but right now she just needs something to pay the bills. Anybody have any suggestions?

xx Tara

[info]firststar in [info]tall_tales

Hello, my name is Lindsay, and I'm a TaT-aholic. *waits for the clapping*

I have two new ones. The first is [info]crabbypatty, Sebastian the Crab from Little Mermaid, also known as Seth Ludlow. Amber's going to be introing his sister soon, I suppose. ANYWAY, he was raised in Louisiana, and while he calls New Orleans home, he travels all the time. He's a talent scout, and he's very crabby and grumpy all the time. OH! And since I need to get him icons and pretties, his PB is Anthony Rapp, fyi. Info and SLs. His ability is that he can spot natural talent. And he's 27.

Second is [info]firststar, the Star from Star Light, Star Bright, now know as Mikaela Baxter, Freddie's younger sister. She's 24, and she's an astronomer. She is kinda complicated. She can be a bit overdramatic, and she hates confrontations. She walks away from problems. Her ability is that she can hear and grant wishes, but she doesn't grant them often. She also has a hard time staying awake during the day (Hellllloooo, Stardust?!). Info is ready, SLs aren't. She's open to everything.

♥ Linds.

[info]kansasnomore in [info]tall_tales

You know... Schuyler Fisk would make an excellent PB for an older brother for Dora.

Just saying.. she's only got ONE sibling in game now. Out of six. Everyone who was playing/apping a sibling either left the game or just never did and I would really love to have more of her massive. crazy family in-game, especially since she's not really getting much other play, either and I'd hate to have to drop her.

Please? I'm willing to do the puppy dog face.