February 4th, 2008

[info]tothe_max in [info]tall_tales

I'll be scarce this week, kids. Both on AIM and around the comm. I've hopefully got a new kid popping up once adds are done who'll need an intro, but other than that, I won't be around too much.

Basically, I've got some issues to work out. When I'm over them, I'll be back full swing.


[info]littleshannon in [info]tall_tales

I'm poking my head out from my cocoon of blankets to intro my new guy. I went to bed at like... 10am and woke up at noon, so I'm definitely going back to sleep after this. :X

The new hotness at TaT comes in the form of Shannon Aldrige. Why no! Lindsay doesn't like to make guys have girl names at all!He's 27, lives in Chicago, and he works in a zoo. Seriously. He was Little John. He's Gel's Harper's [info]aloveaffair brother. Raised in Newark, New Jersey. For the most part, I loosely based him off of Ewan's character in Down With Love. His info is here, and I actually have SLs here too. He needs everything but a love interest, which is reserved for the lovely Miss Valerie Reed. I should also add that he has 5 siblings aside from Harper, so... if anyone wants to make another Aldrige? Gel and I wouldn't object. :)

♥ Linds. (Who's climbing back underneath her blankets and going to back to bed until the evening D:)

[info]soundsosweet in [info]tall_tales




I'm new to TaT!

My name is Amy, and my AIM is faroutdragon1. Uhhm, I'm bringing Sebastian Myles to the table here. His Prince Phillip's horse (from Sleeping Beauty), he's in Boston, aaaand... his application is in his journal!

So, hit me up for backstory/current story/whatever other story, and for threads!

[info]finallyaboy in [info]tall_tales

Okay, I was going to wait until I had SLs up for them, but I realized that I was far, far too lazy to do any of that sort of thing at the moment. So! Gabby is just going to intro both of her new boys now and get on actual SLs at some point in the future.

The one whose journal I'm logged into at the moment is Blake Kingston, Pinocchio reincarnate. He's nineteen, going to college in Chicago, and needs everything EXCEPT for a best friend. He's really the sort of guy who tends to mix much better with girls than he does with boys, since... he's a gossipy, fashion conscious, and...well. He's (mostly) gay. So, girls? Tend to be better company, he finds. He's a good shoulder to cry on, rant to, etc etc. :D His ability works for and against him -- he's much more naturally inclined to follow advice that a person gives him, good or bad, than the average person.

Like I said, he needs everything but a BFF!

The second one, Tristan Matthews ([info]tindersoldier) is in Chicago too, though he's going to college. He's a former LPAer, though he does NOT have the money/status that most of them have. In fact? He's pretty much worked his ass off for his entire life and has gotten through school on scholarships/full rides. He's not poor, just... not nearly as rich as some others. He's painfully laidback, relaxed, and snarky as well. Drama? Does not suit him. He prefers to make a sarcastic quip or remark to most things and just let it go. He's a nice guy overall, even if he doesn't personally approve of a lot of lifestyles that he grew up surrounded by. Uhm. His tale/ability is that he's the solider from The Tinderbox and dogs are ALWAYS obedient to him. :D

He has a PROBABLE OTP/Love interest, but everything else is welcomed/needed! :D

[info]2ndtonone in [info]tall_tales

Mini Hiatus

Unfortunately as soon as my mom gets home from work, which is like 20 mins for now, I'm grounded from the internet until I get home from class at 10:30pm Wed night.
And of course I'm not allowed on the computer after class Wed.
So I won't be RPing until Thursday.

Which is ARG because I was planning on playing catch up wtih my ACTIVITY and I have a new boy to introduce.

Anyways, love to you all and SORRY about this.

[info]warriorprincess in [info]tall_tales

Greetings all!

Due to the fact that Lena and I take perverse pleasure in having the karma truck run over Katy Page repeatedly, the pranks on her have begun. As previously mentioned, Ollie and Rory are going altered Katy's cheerleading uniform so she ends up showing the entire world her underwear when the squad performs at a basketball game. FYI, we set the game for tonight (Monday 4th) for anyone who might have a character who witnesses this.
