February 2nd, 2008

[info]preciousember in [info]tall_tales


I? totally failed when I went through and changed characters birthdays... I kind of forgot I had them done in their profiles. I'll go and do that now.

This is just me letting you know that the email notification is wrong.

She's actually missed her birthday. Which I missed her birthday last year as well so... oops and sorry Clarice and everyone. :S

And not that many of your characters would care? But it is actually Julia's birthday [info]seawitching just.. fyi, I guess. LOL

[info]golfbandit in [info]tall_tales

I want to apologize about my inactivity of late.
Apparently all my motivational energy can only go into one thing at a time if it goes anywhere at all and look I'm going to school! *snorts*

Anyways... I've been overlooking threads and plot and that's not okay becuase I LOVE all my plot. I really do. And I want RPing to be fun for EVERYONE involved and if me not being active with certain things is making it not fun for people that's really not okay for me at all.

I am slow. It's hard for me that this RP is in real time and why do I have so many characters if I do that? Because I have an addiction clearly.

But I've been made aware that my activity level is upsetting some. And while I don't want to drop any more characters, I think maybe it's needed. The problem is... that upsets people too. So it's like... one way or the other, people are upset? I don't know. It certainly doesn't help that I've got another boy in the works (a reworking of Marcus basically). So I don't know what I'm going to do. Because people get really upset about characters being dropped too. So I don't know what to do there.

So my solution is:
If there is a character you have major plot with and you would rather free up that plot for someone else because I haven't played it, let me know in IM and I'll be okay with that because I will understand.

However I'm willing to work with anyone willing to work with me on making plot more active *nods* So IM me, talk to me, we'll try to get things moving.

Because I really don't want to drop anyone at this moment.

Anyways, my bookmarks toolbar is in fact full of threads I need to work on.

IF you want to just KEEP GOING and DROP these threads and start something NEW let me know.
If you want to FINISH these threads, that's what I'll go with for now?
IF there is a post I owe tags to NOT on this list, link me please!

If you put up a thread I should reply to, let me know? Whenever I go to look it seems like everyone has updated at once and I get lost.

Zeph's Bday

And bc I'm sure its impossible for you to remember everyone I have:
[info]foxyslightly, [info]dumtweedled, [info]wornslippers, [info]fishesinditches, [info]ironyinthat, [info]2ndtonone, [info]eternalsword, [info]fire_charmer, [info]potionsbook, [info]lepois, [info]jiminyjimmy, [info]golfbandit, [info]nightmaredice, [info]mamabearleah, [info]emperorflyboy, [info]alexsmagicbeans, [info]doclenus, [info]zekethemouse, [info]summers_soul, [info]johnjacobjingle, [info]tinyprince, [info]herkiss
