January 25th, 2008

[info]king_of_cinders in [info]tall_tales

Ok my buhbs...

Xavier here needs guy friends and bad! He's going to be getting married in a couple of months.. well they'll have the big wedding then. However, he has no guy friends to ask to be in his bridal party. He's got no BFF, nothing.

Plot with me?

[info]ex_notadamse124 in [info]tall_tales

...So, does anyone want to thread with Mack here? I'm going to tag threads tonight, and I have 5 days in a row off, 'cause I'm amazing, but she wanted to thread, and I didn't want to just toss up a open thread. Plus, watching Fight Club makes me want to play mean characters for some WEIRD reason. :D

Any takers? It doesn't have to be someone she'd get along with. In fact, it's hard to find people she does like, and since she's annoyed with her partner/best friend at the moment? She's kinda extra pissy.

♥ Linds.

ETA: I'm lame. Forgot to says she's in Chicago.