January 23rd, 2008

[info]canthidebeauty in [info]tall_tales

Hey guys!

Just FYI, Insane Journal has some new Site Schemes up in Beta, which you can try out by going to your Manage Settings page. I am personally a fan of the new "work safe" theme, though the new sidebar theme is nice, too (and somewhat GJ reminiscent).

Anyway, thought y'all might like to know. <3

[info]toto in [info]tall_tales

okay, so i've been annoying and changed everyone's birthdays.

i don't have any time so I'm just going to post them. I know that some people's have changed, Jacqueline is now 17... um...

well if theres any issues let me know. thanks!

Sara Freeman: 15th November -> 15th January

Marie Cogsworth: 3rd December -> 3rd April

Clarice Ambrose: 22nd Februaru -> 2nd November

Jacqueline Harmon: 10th November -> 10th May

Nate Bradshaw: 22nd September -> 22nd August

Amanda Larkins: 5th March -> 5th December

Evangeline Peck: 22nd December -> 22nd January

and I miss you all! I'll be back in a couple of days.
♥ !!!

p.s sorry for pushing Heath down on the page. I think I'm in a bit of denial.

[info]perfectsnake in [info]tall_tales

SO GUYS. Because Avilina and I are completely evil, Katy is going to have a series of pranks pulled on her. Deliciously embarrassing pranks. These will be common knowledge to your characters when they occur, because they're intended to be very public for maximum humiliation.

For starters? Very, very soon, Ollie and Rory are going to "alter" Katy's cheerleading uniform so she ends up showing the entire world her underwear when the squad performs at the next.. basketball game, I'd assume, since the football season would be over by now.

At any rate, we would welcome any other pranking ideas anyone might have. The idea if for Rory to humiliate Katy as much as possible.

Avilina: I don't remember what else we discussed for this, either, so if you could remind me? That'd be GREAT.

ETA: Easter Egg die to discolor her skin, Parking her car evenly between two trees in a way that makes it nearly impossible to get it out, filling her hot tub/pool with iced tea bags at her next big party...

[info]babbling_brooke in [info]tall_tales



My niece was born 1/23/08 between 6 and 6:30 am. She weighs 7lbs 13oz.

I'm so excited.

Victoria Ellen )

[info]crywolf in [info]tall_tales


And? I bring you a REAL plot post. That...I think I have everything? But I'm not sure. So help me if I forgot anything. Or just give me more plot. Whichever. :D Here.

ALSO, some faces have changed. Teeny ([info]princessaurora) is now Emma Roberts, Rhi ([info]crywolf) is now Katie Cassidy and Phoebe Jefferson ([info]yourefired) is now Freema Agyeman.

Amber, I'll get back to that comment you made on the other post when I'm not so all over the place. ♥

Also? If anyone's interested in some random cracktastic OOC knowledge, I have a bunch of memes up in my personal journal [info]morgaboo. ASK ME QUESTIONS!


[info]biancabella in [info]tall_tales

Oh hey! So, I joined a while back but have YET to actually play. LAAAME, I know.

Anyway, I thought I'd offer my character up for more backstorying, because I know a ton of characters have probably been added since I was last around! And I need it, so woo! Bio Here! Long story short: Bianca, waitress, New Orleans.

Also, if there's anyone in the NOLA area who'd like to thread, hit me up!! Otherwise I'll probably just put up a lame, generic, open thread. ;)