January 20th, 2008

[info]peithoed in [info]tall_tales

And... Gabby is jumping on the bandwagon and begging for plot for a handful of her characters -- mostly whichever pop into mind that really need things. :| SO BEAR WITH ME. Here is my stats post, which will probably need updating soon, since I have an app in and hopefully all will go well with this.

PS: This is SO not everyone. Just people that tend to pop out as needing things.

Insert witty text cut here )

For now, they're the only people I really WANT things for. Well, some others too, but it's not as OMG NEEDED as these ones.

You can find all of my characters here if you want to take a look at anybody else.

Also, I'd like to point out, that like Lindsay? Depending on the character, more often than not, I'm much better at journal tagging than threads. Yeah, I get into thread moods, but usually? Journals tend to me failing a lot less. Just sayin'.

[info]differentcolor in [info]tall_tales

Okay kids. Lindsay's breaking down and doing an SL post. And to save on brain-hurtage for you guys, since I have a ton of charries, I'm only going to concentrate on the ones that currently have SLs posted, so I know who needs what immediately, and then when I finish the others' SLs, I'll probably have another post for those charries. It depends on the response this gets. And I know right now I fail at tagging threads, and that's a lot of the reason why I need to ask for plot, simply because I tend to do a lot more things over journals than threads. I do love threads, but for now, be patient with me and the tagging.

I've listed things I need, but that doesn't mean that that's all I want. Throw anything and everything at me.

Boston; Chad Clarke, Fabiana Montgomery, Christian Turner, Piper Woods )

Chicago; Autumn Harding, Hayden Knight, Mackensie Womack )

New Orleans; Micah Angel, Maddox Warner )

New York; Shane Collins, Kailey Hanson, Charlotte Roberts, Scarlett Zale )

Seattle; Tamsyn Berkley, Lindsey Parker )

I know it's a lot all at once, but attack this post. Seriously.
♥ Lindsay

[info]dreamchild in [info]tall_tales

Oh, TaT adds day, I love you.

Anyway, I said I was stopping at 25, but I couldn't resist this one. I need to stop watching.. everything ever, because I can't help getting PB ideas. :P

So, meet Alicia. She's our new Alice (yup, from AiW) and she's in Boston. She's 23, barely out of college, and a total tomboy. Her brother is [info]edibleandrew and she loves him to pieces. She's working as a personal trainer at a local gym and also teaches aerobic dance classes. Her passions are dancing and sports - she likes video games and things of that nature, too. She's not girly at all. Makeup? Gawking at boys? Yeah, she's not really into those things and she tends to relate to guys better/have more male friends. She hasn't dated a whole lot, due to a tendency to be seen as just "one of the boys," but she's not a complete innocent, either.

Anyway, I'm already completely in love with her and I need some plot for my girl. She's got her brother, obviously, and she has a couple of possibilities for her future love interest, though I'm really wanting to just see who she does and doesn't mesh with and go from there. She's also good friends with [info]princessadella, I think (yes, Lindsey? I recall a discussion on AIM). And her best friend is [info]eternalsword.

Anyway, she could use friends, enemies, clients, whatever. Her info/storyline post is here, so attack that, catch me on AIM.. whichever.

PS I'm planning to do a big plot post things myself soon, but you can always catch my SL stuff/character stats at [info]dejavroom. I'm better at doing actual threads than keeping up with journals, but, really, I'm just happy when my plots are getting played, so if you want anything at all with any of my characters, just poke me.