January 14th, 2008

[info]whitefire in [info]tall_tales

Hello, everyone. I have two more characters to introduce you to.

First one is Charlotte (she likes to be called Charlie as well) Roberts. She's a very sweet, kind person. Problem is that she is a backup dancer on a world tour with a famous act (one that I need to pick, but think.... backup dancer for backintheday Britney Spears, or Backstreet Boys. That kind of stuff.), so she's not around a whole lot. So with this one, I need people she knew growing up in New York, ones she met while going around the country randomly, or ones she could meet that way in the future. She's 20. Her tale is Snow-White-Fire-Red, an Italian tale not to be confused with just plain Snow White or Snow White and Rose Red. Her ability is that, whenever she kisses a boy, they completely forget all about her, and all memories involving her are gone, leaving most to wonder who that strange girl in front of them is. She isn't one to kiss a whole bunch of guys though, so she doesn't use this for a kiss and leave type thing (if there is such a thing). She doesn't know this yet, but when she finds her true love, by the first kiss, he'll forget her, but if she gets him to know her all over again and kisses him a second time, it'll all come back to him. And if anyone wants to pick up a Jesse Metcalfe PB, you totally should for Charlie. Her PB, Nadine Coyle, is his girlfriend in real life. I'm sure none of y'all know the PB, but if you do (Girls Aloud?), you get points in my book.
For more on her, here's her Info, and here are her SLs.

Next one is Cole Nelson [info]aloo, also known as Captain Wow! (Seriously. Shaun of the Dead, anyone?) He's Baloo from the Jungle Book, and has a calming touch that causes you to forget worries for about an hour. Problem is that if you need to handle it within the hour? Whoops? You won't do it. His PB is Simon Pegg, whom I love love love so much. He's 28, and is the manager of a video store in Chicago. He's a whole lot of fun. He needs all plot except the love SL, which is being reserved for Miss Tara and her Jamie Ellis.
More about him can be found here, and I still need to come up with some good SLs for him.

Give me plot love! Please?
Thus ends this entirely too long intro.
♥ Lindsay

[info]good_jj_hunting in [info]tall_tales

Well hello all my lovelies, it's Sabrina.

I have a new character. His name is Jordan Joseph "JJ" Rowley. He's 24 and a chef for a pretty major restaurant in NYC. He's originally from Colorado, but went to culinary school in NYC and just never left. He traveled quite a bit trying to learn new cooking styles, ingredients, and techniques, so he could have met anyone, anywhere.

Please feel free to look over his profile HERE. Also, feel free to post about SLs or backstories HERE.

Go! Now! ;)

[info]piedxpiper in [info]tall_tales

This icon is such a conversation starter. Gerard = ♥

ANYway. I wanted to poke you people very gently, just make you aware of that dear Ira here doesn't bite. But he does like to interact with people. (LENA, I'm getting back to your comment when I've had lunch/early dinner.)

Sooo... plot? Or at least talk to him. He might be halfway insane, but he's not a bad kid. (Plus, his layout is real pretty now. *feels accomplished*)


[info]hunterdown in [info]tall_tales

Hey, Tell-A-Tally-hos!
Let me introduce you to Elliot Monroe. He's 24, originally from Colorado (best friends with JJ, who Sabrina intro'd earlier), but now lurking around Boston. He doesn't have SLs up yet, but he's pretty much wide open plotwise, with the exception of a current short-term love interest. He's equal parts cowboy and frat boy, and his tale is Orion from Greek mythology.

Oh, and he's played by the lovely Joe Anderson. Across The Universe, anyone?

His PROFILE is here, with SLs to come. He's open for anything! Show him love.


[info]warriorprincess in [info]tall_tales

Hey all,

I finally wrote out of Rory's (the 10th Dancing Princess') plotlines. Let me know if you want to be part of one or if you've got a new character incoming you need plots for. If I've chatted about you with plotting, let me know if your character should be placed under a certain plotline please (or if you have ideas for others).


Rory's plotlines: http://warriorprincess.insanejournal.com/371.html

[info]seespotlaugh in [info]tall_tales

Monday night pants-wetting session... videos courtesy of Stella and Tara.

Brendon Urie does Super Mario!

Flight Of The Concords- "If You're Into It"

Picture Zeph and Zeke performing "If You're Into It" and try not to wet yourself laughing. Seriously, I DARE you.