January 11th, 2008

[info]talks2water in [info]tall_tales

The last couple days have been crazy with doctor's appointments, fighting with my mom, the kids finally getting back to school, so I sort of had to slack off on replies until yesterday. I pretty much caught up on everything before I went to sleep last night.

I'm going to be busy this weekend. OMGOSH CRYSTAL ACTUALLY HAS A LIFE! I will try to hit replies as often as I can but I'll have company and I'll need to focus the majority of my attention there.

If you see me online, FEEL FREE TO HIT ME UP. Also? Please reply to our threads because I am seriously having SO MUCH FUN with them. :D Joseph/Hannah are so adorable it's crazy. Piper/Jeremy are so completely fun. Autumn/Matt is amusing. Matt/Ally is seriously cracking me up. I'm loving my threads! I'm also loving TaT even more than ever! I love this community and you guys so much! :D

Also, Tara, wanna do that Grumpy/Doc thread, now? It might be a moment before I can reply but I'm totally ready to get it started!

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Hey guys,

With the character-dropping lately, I feel the need to remind y'all that we need you to please fill out the drop form when you email us so that we have all the information needed to remove those characters from the lists.

Pretty please?

♥ you Lena-shaped mod

[info]ex_inmynatur740 in [info]tall_tales

So! Lindsay has the day off FINALLY! And tomorrow as well, which means two things! A) She's finally going to get around to those tags that I know I owe, like... almost everyone. and B) I'm open to adding another thread to that mix.

I've really been wanting to play with my Scarlett (this journal). She's been very much in my head recently, and I haven't threaded with her yet. So if anyone would like to thread with her, speak up! She's in New York, and I honestly don't care if it's a male or female, or whether or not they will get along or completely hate each other.

Anyone have any ideas?

♥ Lindsay (Who's going back to tagging and watching Stardust)