September 18th, 2007

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: empyreus

Hey hey hey!

Please double check, or add suggestions! There is lots to be filled!

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: honestpuck

I SHOULD POINT OUT that Dylan prefers for the students to call him by his firstname instead of 'Mr Doherty', if they wish. Up to them of course, but he finds it to be an unnecessary distancing-thingy.

That's all. *wonders why she didn't just edit it into the intro post*

ETA b/c Stella's lame: He's been teaching at Lakeview for approximately... a year and a half. THERE.

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: littlecalf

Yes, I am going to do this as well, because frankly I need to. So... please help out?

Here's a list of my current characters. Please reply to this post of your kids have plot with them, or alternatively wants to have plot with them, and hopefully this'll work out well enough for me to make an SL list. Which, as said, I need to do. And, y'know... Backstory is always good.

This way to the characters! )

Please comment with what you've got. It'd help me out a lot. ♥

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: scarlettbec

GUYS GUYS GUYS. Becca (my Will Scarlett) has basically NO Storylines. She's got her cousin (Emma) in Boston, but unless I am forgetting stuff, she doesn't really have any friends or anything, so, this is me begging for friends, past/present/future flings and love interests. She's wholly bisexual and pretty out about it, so love interests can be either male or female. :D

Anyway, I've never said explicitly where she was born, so that's flexible. Maybe Chicago, since all the cool kids go to LPA :P She went to college at MIT and she's living in New Orleans now and she works as a technology consultant, which means she travels a lot for her job, so she could potentially no anyone in any city.


Also? Looking for a few specific things for Jase ([info]notsochivalrous). He had a best friend in high school whose girlfriend he stole/slept with (hellooo, Lancelot). So I'd love someone to be the best friend in question (that is, former BFF) and someone to be the girl who cheated on that guy with Jase.

edit: He's from Seattle and has never lived anywhere else, btw.

Any takers?

I may be back to beg for more plot later. :P

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: kansasnomore

Okay, so I've confused even MYSELF about who is planning to app which Dora-sibling, soooo I made a LIST and if you guys could comment and confirm/remind me of who wanted to play who? That'd be awesome!

The James Family!
[info]percy - - Morgan's apping this one :D (around 27/28 or so?)
[info]fire_charmer - Bridget, Dora's oldest sister. She adores her. (26)
[info]twin1 - Twin Number 1 (ideally between 21-25)
[info]twin2 - Twin Number 2 (ideally between 21-25)
(Whitney & Tara were talking about apping the twins, yes?)
[info]whatshisname - Liz is talking about making a boy, early to mid twenties?
[info]jelvin - 19/20, being apped by Megan Too, because she rocks
[info]kansasnomore - Dora, Duh! She's 16

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: notsochivalrous


Um. The roommate and I are watching Spice World. And I though, hey, wouldn't it be super cracky fun if some of us made a TaT version of The Spice Girls. With, you know, the real Spice Girls as PBs.

Clearly, I am insane.

But.. um.. anyone care to indulge me in my crazy?

ETA: I totally claim baby Spice, kay? Kay. ([info]notonanychart)
ETA2: And Morgaboo claims Ginger. Because redheads are love. ([info]shineinthenight)
ETA3: Lindsay = Sporty
ETA4: Tara for Posh?
ETA5: Gabby is so Scary Spice