July 26th, 2007

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

pb change

Original poster: canthidebeauty

Just an FYI in case anyone cares.. :P

I changed Dari's PB, so she is now played by the gorgeous and fantastical Camilla Belle.

And you should all play and plot with her, mmmkay?

ETA: Also? Amber rocks a lot, because she uploaded all her new icons for me, since the mass icon uploader thing DOESN'T WORK ON MACS! :P

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: the_giantkiller

I bring you Jonathan Bell aka Jack, from Jack and the Beanstalk. He is 23 years old and located in Boston. He never really stops "going", his schedule is usually always full, and he is an adrenaline junky. Highly addicted to caffeine, but otherwise a bit of a health nut, he is predominantly vegetarian, and pretty liberal. Jack is an archaeologist major and a photojournalism minor. I'm working on Storylines, but pretty much, I'm open to ideas!