July 18th, 2007

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: kansasnomore

Hey everyone! It's Lena with two more characters (I still have less than Hermeh, shush).

This is Theodora, who HATES her given name and will probably kill you if you call her that. She prefers Dora or Dory. She's 15 and has just finished her sophomore year of high school (and will be 15 in August). Her info and storylines are both up in her journal, so check those out. Her only really filled SL so far is her BFF and I would LOVE for people to play any of her seven siblings. (hi, Phelps twins, anyone?)

I also have [info]dreamsonastick who is the little match girl's matches. He's in Seattle and he's [info]tinyangel's oldest brother (any takers for playing the other two siblings?) and he's 26 and a math prof at one of the local colleges. All his SL's except for his romantic one are open, and you can find his info in his journal.

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: kansasnomore

So, those of you who RP on LJ are probably familiar with a handy little plugin called LJ Login. Apparently someone wrote one for GJ. It's not SUPPOSED to work alongside the LJ one very well, but I just installed it and have both running in Firefox on my Mac and it's beautiful. Easier to manage than CookieSwap, too.

click here to install it


ETA: It looks like it originally didn't work alongside LJ Login, but has since been fixed so that it does. So. Much. Love.

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: maxly

Hermeh dragged me here. She forced me to apply. She threatened me with sharp and pointy things. I think even sporks were mentioned, which just goes to show how evil she truly is. I kid, Hermeh! So does Zac. In fact, he is sending his sickeningly sweet puppy dog eyes your way right now.

Anyway, now that I've gotten my nonsensical rambling out of the way, on with the intro! I'm Randa, and I've just picked up Zachary Ignatius Maxwell, though he goes by Zac. He's the reincarnation of Max the dog from the Little Mermaid, and he lives in Chicago. He's a nice, somewhat goofy guy, unless you upset him, because then he's got a formidable temper and he isn't afraid to let it show.

You can reach me on AIM at leeeapoffaith. Even if I'm away, feel free to leave a message and I'll get back to you. So, if you want to plot or even just talk, feel free to IM me or drop me a line here.


[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: wornslippers

Ok, I know I suck... but I really am trying to get other things together right now.
SO... gah, hopefully I'll get shit together by this weekend, I miss you guys! I miss my charries.


[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: floatingdebris

Hello everyone! I'm Bailey and I'm brand new here. Myself and my friend stumbled across this game by chance and decided to apply, and I'm really happy that we did. I've just joined as Morgan Samuels, one half of the Flotsam and Jetsam duo from The Little Mermaid.

Morgan is a charismatic, intense individual that takes the lead when it comes to himself and his brother Merlin. The two are seldom apart and their eerie bond extends to knowing what the other is thinking and finishing each other's sentences. However, he is the more outgoing of the pair and is by nature pretty social and friendly, unless someone tries to get between him and what he thinks is his, in which case it's obvious that he's not as nice as he lets on. He's 26, lives in Boston, works as an optometrist, enjoys outdoor activities and pushing Merlin around. You can find his complete profile here.

I don't have any SLs set up yet, as the system is pretty new to me! I'm very curious to see how it all works but I need to start brainstorming and in the meantime I'm very open to plotting. ♥


[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: tryingeverydoor

Shmegan here. This is MY Alice from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Her name is Aimee Jeanette Bell, brother is Jack Bell, Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk. Aimee never goes by her given name, everyone calls her AJ. She was born in America but grew up in London, England. Total tomboy, who blossomed into a lovely young woman. BFF = Russell Allister. He's coming to live with her and her mother. She is seventeen, will be eighteen in December. She is in Chicago, Illinois. Anyone in Chicago is welcome to SOME sort of storyline. She waitresses and is about to start college. Dive on in. I guess. Even though that never really happens. HAH.

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: castoverboard

Hey, hey! I'm Rally and I am likewise totally new to this game. I'll be playing Merlin Samuels, the other half of the Flotsam & Jetsam duo.

Merlin is 26, living in Boston with his brother Morgan, and working as an actuary (which means he sits around and tries to mathematically predict when accidents are going to occur, etc.) He's terribly risk adverse and needs quite a bit of pushing before he'll try anything new. He's far more shy than his brother, who he lets push him around a lot, but also who he clucks at a lot in revenge. Despite his shy nature, he's interested in meeting people that aren't just his brother, though his brother doesn't quite share that sentiment. His full profile is here.

I am new to the SL thing, but presumably Merlin needs things like friends/enemies/girls who pitied were nice to him during highschool/etc. Unfortunately he probably doesn't have any super close relationships, since Morgan is a totally possessive built-in BFF.

That.. should be it! Glad to be here!

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales


Original poster: shops_foryou

Amber here, and I figured since Gel and I just added like a bajillion characters to the game this would be the prefect time to finish and post my character SL list and whatnot instead of going around to all the new journals and repeating the same comment time and time again. When you click the link you will find all nine of my characters and the SLs they need fixed. Most have storylines set up for them in their journals but if they don't we can still work something out! I'd love that! Drama is love, i'm all for it in almost every case you can imagine. Anyways onto the link....


You can catch me on AIM. I have no life anymore. You can ask everyone.

Peas Out

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: wobblyknees

That's right. She's shy and she's Humpty Dumpty. Go and read her profile for more info if you like, I haven't got any SLs up but I'm planning on making a huge post once I get my last charries in. =D
She's a marine biologist and really can't dance, unfortunately. I hope all her sibling-muns are okay with everything in her profile. Let me know if anything is out of place.

So apparently I'm running low on energy but I wanted to introduce my new girl so here she is!
Oh and she's played by Kate Beckinsale.

♥ Mseh!

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: _thebigbad__

Hi all. This is Amanda (Cecile and Caitlin) with my third and probably final. His name is Mitch, it's an abbrevated version of his last name-- Mitchum. I'm working on his SLs this weekend. He lives in Chicago and he's a frontman for a band. I'll SL with everyone, but his heart is already spoken for.


[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: __driftwood

This is Cameron, again. He's in Boston, and he's going to play Prince Eric in the play with Arielle. Basically, there are a few gaps in his storylines, I figured I'd ask for people again, since the comm has doubled since then. Take a look!

the storylines!