June 28th, 2007

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Randomly suggesting something...

Original poster: wornslippers

OK... so for those of you who are creating new characters... Chance has 4 sisters, 2 older and 2 younger... that I would love to have someone play... any of them! It would be cool if maybe one was also a dancing princess? Or not. Totally open to anything... though they would've taken ballet bc their mother made them. When they were little.


the oldest is 27ish, then 26 or 25, then him... then 22 and 20?


Oldest: Brit 27-28
2nd oldest: Mseh - 25-26
Then there's Chance (24)
4th: Lena
Youngest: Gabby (ballerina)

FILLED! w000t!
Now we just have to see about apps... *crosses fingers*

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: twirlwithme

So sometime tonight my cousins are coming down for the weekend and then we’re heading up to their farm for a week or so. So from today, Thursday, until probably next Friday or Saturday I’m not sure how active I’m going to be. There is a computer there but there’s also five of us kiddies =D

It could honestly go either way – I’m on a lot or I’m not on much at all. I just thought I should post and let you all know. If we have anything planned, or if we plan anything this afternoon it may just have to be continued slower than usual.

♥ Thanks for understanding guys.

(Cogsworth [info]ticktockmarie, The Little Lamb [info]lambified, Wendy Darling [info]darlingish, Red-Haired Mermaid [info]preciousember and 8th Dancing Princess!)

[info]tell_a_tale_mod in [info]tall_tales

Original poster: __shipwrecked

Megan (Smee, Elaine, and Corrie mun) wanted me to tell everyone that she may not have computer access for maybe up to 1 1/2 months. She is going to work and try and save up for a laptop, but yeah. You can reach her at shmegan.cochran@gmail.com as she can check mail on her cellphone.

That is all!