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Oct. 30th, 2008


HP FIC: Take a Chance On Me (Lupin/Snape) NC-17

Title: Take a Chance On Me
Fandom/Pairing: HP, Lupin/Snape, with appearances by swinging Alice and Frank Longbottom
Rating: NC17
WC: ~2200
Warning: Contains disco and public risqueness. Also is unbetaed, feel free to point out typos.
Note: This was actually written last year. [info]lore kept me up until, what, five in the morning? Egging me on. But I never let her read it, because she was late on a fic, and I was feeling all stern and stuff. But as I've drifted out of the HP fandom, I realized it never got posted. So, um. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, [info]lore!

There's a line outside the door. )


Ficlet: Interlude, with Fingers (Remus/Severus)

A little bit of silliness for you, lovely lore. You make this corner of fandom such a wonderful place to be! Happy Birthday, m’dear! *HUGS YOU*

Title: Interlude, with Fingers
Author: [info]westernredcedar
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rated: PG-13
Word count: ~350

Interlude, with Fingers )


Happy Birthday Lore!!

Last Minute birthday ficlet! *hugs* Happy Birthday lore! Hope you like the fun they're having.

Title: Morning Ablutions
Author: Rosy
Rated: Oh so very not worksafe.... buahaha
Summary: ...Severus doesn't like shaving. ...until this morning.

Morning Ablutions )


Happy Birthday, Lore! - Katou's Gift (Iwaki/Katou; NC-17)

Title: Katou's Gift
Characters: Iwaki/Katou
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: slight voyeurism/exhibitionism
Word count: 1,750
Notes: Happy birthday, lovely Lore! Thanks for your support, your kindness and your many kisses and hugs. *hugs and kisses* Fandom would be poorer and less lovely without you here. ♥♥♥
Thanks for beta to the amazingly amazing [info]blpaintchart!
Summary: On his birthday, Iwaki is doing his second film for Director Mochimune. Katou shows up with a birthday present.

Katou's Gift )


The Sultan and the Storyteller, part 1-A

Title: The Sultan and the Storyteller, part 1-A/31
By: Arionrhod and McKay
Rated: R
Pairings: Remus/Severus, Regulus/Kingsley, Bill/Tonks
Summary: Non-magical AU. Professor Remus Lupin finds himself a captive of the sultan of Slythistan, but what is really keeping him there? The bonds of coercion or the bonds of growing love?
Notes: This story is complete, but because it's based loosely on the Arabian Nights, we're posting one part per day through November to pay homage to the original tale. Illustrations by [info]karasu_hime. Written for lore on the occasion of her birthday. Happy birthday, [info]lore! We hope you enjoy it!
Word count: ~11,800 this chapter/ ~180,000 overall

Part 1

The Sultan and the Storyteller, part 1-A )


The Sultan and the Storyteller, part 1

Title: The Sultan and the Storyteller, part 1/31
By: Arionrhod and McKay
Rated: R
Pairings: Remus/Severus, Regulus/Kingsley, Bill/Tonks
Summary: Non-magical AU. Professor Remus Lupin finds himself a captive of the sultan of Slythistan, but what is really keeping him there? The bonds of coercion or the bonds of growing love?
Notes: This story is complete, but because it's based loosely on the Arabian Nights, we're posting one part per day through November to pay homage to the original tale. Illustrations by [info]karasu_hime. Written for lore on the occasion of her birthday. Happy birthday, [info]lore! We hope you enjoy it!
Word count: ~11,800 this chapter/ ~180,000 overall

The Sultan and the Storyteller, part 1 )

Oct. 31st, 2008


a Remus, Severus, Teddy sketch, plus a recipe for you!

Happy birthday, Lore! You keep me giggling in and out of the HP fandom, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. A lot of people continue to have a great fandom experience because of you. Thank you for all your hard work.

So here's a very sketchy art for you, of Remus, Severus, and Teddy in the future:
pic! )

Aaaaaand for something completely different:

You might already know that birthdays in many parts of Asia is celebrated with noodles, which signifies long life. Here's a recipe for one of my favorite kind of pansit (which I hope you'll also like): Pansit Malabon.

pansit malabon! )

*HUG* Happy birthday!

Oct. 30th, 2008


Halloween Music for lore!

I've got something else to post later, but I wanted to start with some Halloween themed music just to offer something different. :D

Halloween music )


Here's a picture for you - not fandomy at all :)

Happy birthday )

The Lupus constellation for wolves and stars, daffodils, fairies, pomegranates, night, the moon (or its light :) )... [info]lore, your interests list had so many cool things on it that it was impossible to not have ideas :). Happy birthday! Hope it's a fabulous one :).

Oct. 29th, 2008


Fic: The Comforter of Others, Snape/Tonks, Snape/Lupin, R

Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: The Comforter of Others
Pairing: Snape/Tonks, Snape/Lupin
Rating: R
Word Count: 9, 157
Warnings: Genderfuck. Non-magical AU.
Notes: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I was taking prompts from my flist and the very lovely [info]lore gave me Snupin and Sense and Sensibility. And thus a non-magical AU genderfuck was born (bear with me!). I’ve had this finished for a while but I wanted to wait to post it on the most auspicious occasion of [info]lore’s birthday, so I’ve been sitting on my hands so as not to tell her it’s done. *g* I really hope you have a fabulous birthday, sweetie!

Happy Birthday! )

Oct. 28th, 2008


Quiz time!

Now, I was going to say how wonderful [info]lore is: kind, helpful, talented, funny, cheerful, supportive, and liberal with the *hugs*, but that really is stating the bleedin' obvious.

So instead I'll just say thank you [info]lore for making [info]lupin_snape not only a lovely community, but also the best virtual pyjama party on the net!

Happy Birthday!   Forty is fabulous.  Trufax.

Oct. 26th, 2008


It's a Party! (With Art!)

Happy Birthday to Loooooooore, the mod with the mostest!  Thank you for all you do!

Title: Mixed Doubles
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Snape/Lupin, Harry/Hermione
Summary: By their fourth Ministry Gala, Hermione and Remus learned to disguise scotch at their table as wine, and to keep their men distracted during the speeches. No one's been hexed now in years.

Double Scotch and Double Trouble under the cut )

Oct. 24th, 2008


Ficlet for Lore! ... "When the Night Falls on You" (Ryo/Dee, R)

Title: When the Night Falls on You
Author: [info]bronze_ribbons
Pairing: Ryo Maclean/Dee Laytner (FAKE). ... and while this isn't technically a crossover, it's got bits of Snape/Lupin, Tonks/Lupin, Snape/Lupin/Black, and other HP combinations.
Rating: light R
Words: a touch over 2000
Author's tangent: The title's from the Pretenders's "I'll Stand By You." This has no bearing on the story except that I really love that song, it's very Ryo/Dee and Snape/Lupin, and Lore introduced it to me via a Snape/Lupin soundtrack.
Reason for the story: Happy birthday, [info]lore! Much, much, MUCH love and hugs and best wishes!

'Fuck,' Dee growled. 'I was so friggin' close.' )

Oct. 21st, 2008


Title: Share and Share Alike
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,051
Warnings: Shower Sex
A/N: For [info]lore! Happy 40th!! You are wonderful and deserve a great one!! Thanks so much for everything!!!! Also, many thanks to [info]blpaintchartfor pushing me, once again, into the bathroom and for a wonderful beta!

Oct. 4th, 2008


Title: The Truth About Teddy
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Warning: not entirely DH compatible in terms of character survival. Also, Teddy is born in January, not April, and is about four months old in this story.
Summary: Whatever you think about Teddy Lupin is wrong. Really. I should know.
Note: this is a birthday gift for [info]_lore, who wanted it. Enjoy!
Read more... )

Sep. 30th, 2008



Let's get this party started! - Glitter Graphics

You're the best online friend ever! Thank you for always putting up with my art and me!

The Truth is Far Out )

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