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How to Ruin a Couch [FFVII, Cloud/Zack, NC-17] [Apr. 23rd, 2008|02:10 pm]

[Current Mood | mischievous]
[Current Music |Hold Me Tight - Across the Universe OST]

Title: How to Ruin a Couch
Author/Artist: Ann V. (Intravenusann)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Teenage boys, discussion of gender switch, brief mention of other relationships/attractions (Zack-->Aeris, Zack-->Cissnei), silliness
Word count: 3050
A/N: I've never done something like this before, really, so I hope it is enjoyable. And I want to thank my betas, Hilde, Rayerai, and Feywood.
Summary: Zack convinces Cloud to let him try out the materia he just got back, leveled up, from his Turk friends. Sexy, tentacular shenanigans ensue.

Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Zack (Cloud tops if there's sex), Zack hadn't expected the new spell from the sex-toy/genderswitch materia to work like this.

It’s so much stranger, even, than being a girl. )
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Chocolate Chip [ Final Fantasy VII, Zack/Cloud, PG] [Apr. 14th, 2008|03:42 pm]

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Title: Chocolate Chip
Artist: [info]dogmatix
Rating: PG?
Warnings: smooching, yay!
Summary: Saturday morning with tentacles.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Zack/Cloud, For every one he fended off there seemed to be two more.

Chocolate Chip )
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All for One [Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Kadaj/Yazoo/Loz, G] [Apr. 9th, 2008|09:54 pm]

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Title: All for One
Artist: [info]dogmatix
Rating: G
Warnings: nope
Word count: +- 190?
Summary: Cloud (and family) to the rescue! (now with bonus drabble!)
A/N: I wanted to draw them snogging, dangit, and then this ambushed me. XD;
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Kadaj/Loz/Yazoo/Cloud, Cloud wonders if Sephiroth had the potential for tentacles as well, or if it's something limited to the Remnants.

All for One )
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