April 2nd, 2008

[info]science_violet in [info]tainteddorms

Who: Violet Baudelaire, Open to Klaus and others in the dorm
What: Family Time and Unpacking
When: This afternoon
Where: Her dorm room
Rating: TBD

Violet was quite busy unpacking her mountain of boxes and did not see the snow falling outside untill she took a break. "Klaus would love this, perfect reading weather" she could smile as she set up the alarm River had helped her find parts for. She set a photo of her,Klaus and Sunny from much happier times on her nightstand: a reminder to keep the search going. But if anyone besides her brother picked that moment to visit they would see piles of boxes, bags of parts from her most recent dumpster dives,various projects and piles of books plus clothing in the closet. "Need to see about finding a proper job soon" she mused, in spite of the family money she just wanted to be semi normal and fit in on campus. The ironic part: nobody besides her brother knows the whole story of Count Olaf and her deciding to leave Europe for a new beginning in the states.

[info]loopy_lovegood in [info]tainteddorms

Who: Luna Lovegood,Neville Longbottom
What: An Afternoon Visiting
When: This afternoon
Where: Neville's Dorm Room
Rating: TBD

As Luna hiked her way through the snow to reach Neville's dorm she held onto her sketchbook and supplies to make tea plus the wand hidden in her purse. The weather did remind her of Hogwarts in the winter but it just felt very odd to her, it just felt unusual. "But then weather can be a strange thing" she mused to herself while walking. After a few more minutes she reached the right area of housing and went inside, shaking the snow from her hair and coat. Luna decided to wait downstairs, it just being her nature to be polite after all. But if anyone passed she looks quite normal but the silver grapes swinging from her ears and the brace on her arm being the only difference.

[info]vmars_pi in [info]tainteddorms

Who: Veronica Mars, open
What: Arriving back to school
When: Early afternoon.
Where: Her dorm room
Rating: TBD

When her doctor showed up in the wee hours of the morning and finally said she could go home, she threw her arms around him in excitment. She was glad to finally be able to get out of her bed for more than small periods of time. Mostly, she was excited to be able to get out of that unflattering robe that would inevitably show her backside if she walked around too fast. The thought of having everyone surrounding her again as she tried to book it out of there sounded less than appealing.

She decided to take a cab back to the dorm and email everyone once she got there. Everyone had work or class anyway, no one would notice she was missing till they got her messages anyway.

She just needed some time to be alone. To be normal. She wondered if her roomate had any idea why she was missing. Would she lie to her or tell her the truth if it came up?

She rolled down her sleeves and decided not to think about it. For now most of her burns could be hidden by pants and long sleeved shirts. Not the most inventive of ideas, but the weather seemed to working with her on this one, covering their small town in a heavy blanket of snow.

She sent out emails, and decided to check her inbox. Lots of angry customers. Some of these emails must have been sent before they heard the news of the fire from Chloe and Mac.

She jumped as she heard the door open behind her.