February 3rd, 2008

[info]keytothedawn in [info]tainteddorms

Who: Dawn and Wyatt
Were: Their room
When: Evening
What: Just good old togetherly time
Rating: TBA

Dawn was lounging on the bed, with her bare feet up. She had a book propped up against her growing belly, and was idly bobbing her head in time with the soft music that was drifting through the room. She didn't exactly look done up or anything special, mostly she looked, well clean. Just getting out of the shower tended to do that to a person. Her long dark hair hung in slighly damp wavy strands around her face and she looked small and delicate in one of Wyatt's larger t-shirts. It seemed pregnancy was agreeing with her, once she had stopped the throwing up phase of it of course.

Turning a page in her book, her mind drifted a bit. Wondering when Wyatt would be home, she sometimes felt like they never got to spend any time together anymore what with work, school and now the in-laws in town. Which whom thankfully, she still hadn't met. Not that she wasn't looking forward to meeting his parents, but felt like she was going to be put on display for them to judge. Oh if only her worried frazzled mind would just shut up for five minutes, Dawn would've been extremely happy.