We're all mad here

I'm mad, you're mad...

What's this, you say? @ 03:22 pm

Current Mood: bitchy
Current Music: Rent, Pet Shop Boys


You've stumbled upon the beta journal for my original fiction projects, usually done during NaNoWriMo in November and then continued in fits and spurts throughout the year.

1. This is a beta journal. If you don't beta, comment, feedback, take the polls and participate, you don't get to keep reading the fiction.

2. This is original fiction, so it won't be showing up anywhere else -- not on my lj, ij or the Bunny Farm. If you just want to see what sort of original fic I would write, given the chance? Tough noogies.

3. I'm a big meanie -- I generally kick people off in waves, about 10 days after posting any given poll. If you don't read your IJ flist at least twice that often, don't waste my time and yours by joining.

4. If you know what Makeshift is and are wondering where it went, that answer would be, nowhere. It's still locked up right where it was, but since it's done, I've purged that friendslist down to me, me, and me. Cry to someone who cares.

Sound like too much trouble? Good, go away. Sound like you really still want to participate with intelligent criticisms, poll responses, and feedback? Friend away, and if I don't know you personally, a comment here would be useful. Otherwise I'll just be going "who? why? no."

Because I really am that mean.

(PS - If you have this journal friended and are seeing this, sorry, I still love you all but it won't let me do a backdated "sticky" post to a comm. Stupid reality.)

We're all mad here

I'm mad, you're mad...