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Mar. 23rd, 2008


Happy Easter!

Rated G
Colored Pencils and Markers (but the sky is PS :P)
No Warnings.

happy easter

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Mar. 22nd, 2008


Art: "On Top" (H/Hr, Nc17)

Title: On Top
Author: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media: Pencil
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warning(s): Sexual Intercourse:)
A/N: Some of you you may recognize this pic (okay, it was a little different, but...) I had posted it some time ago, but it got deleted. I found the old sketch @ my things and re-did it.


Mar. 20th, 2008


Art: Padfoot and Moony (Gen Art)

Title: Padfoot and Moony
Author: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Moony and Padfoot
Media: PS CS2
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warning(s): nope
A/N: WIP. Sort of. :)

Padfoot and Moony )

Mar. 9th, 2008


"Grass" (Harry, NWS)

Title: Grass
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry Potter
Media used: Colored Pencils and markers
Rating: R
Warnings: Harry's derriere
Notes: Sort of a scrap, an exercise. I made it 'directly' (sp?) with the colored pencils.

Harry )

Mar. 7th, 2008


Art: "A Cat Among the Pigeons" (Severus/Remus/Regulus, NWS)

Title: A Cat Among the Pigeons
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Rating: NC17
Warnings: slash, threesome, dub-con, bondage
Pairing: Severus/Remus/Regulus
Notes: For [info]venturous1 on 2008 [info]hpvalensmut fest. :)


Mar. 6th, 2008


Art: "Thoughts" (Hermione, NWS)

Title: Thoughts
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Hermione
Media used: Colored Pencils and watercolors for the background (in the version2)
Rating: R
Warnings: No explicit nudity (just a glimpse of a breast, really)

Mar. 4th, 2008


Art: "Bonds" (Harry and Teddy, Padfoot and Baby!Harry)

Title: Bonds
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Rating: G
Subject(s): Harry and Teddy, Padfoot and Baby!Harry (yes, they are in the pic:)
Medium: Good ol’ pencil
Warnings: None
Artist's note/Disclaimer: For [info]omniocular Feb Challenge: Screen Play. Prompt: The Godfather.
Okay, Inspirations and References: Harry and Teddy: a health insurance (sp?) ad that I saw in a magazine.
Padfoot and Harry: A scene from Disney’s “The Lady and the Tramp.”.

Comments are always welcome.


Bonds )

Feb. 7th, 2008


Art: "...and now, you just kiss me." (Luna, Trevor, G)

Title: ...And now you just kiss me.
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Luna, Trevor
Media used: Colored Pencils and markers.
Rating: G
Tale: Brothers Grimm's The Frog Prince
Warnings: a willing toad? None, really.
Notes: My First attempt at [info]hp_fairytales. Honestly, I never liked this tale, but this seemed to fit so well...:P

Neville’s pet has a secret. )

Feb. 4th, 2008


Art/HP_art100: "Gap" (H/Hr, soft R)

Title: Gap
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry, Hermione, ?
Media used: Pencil
Rating: very soft R (but probably NWS)
Prompt: #09. Mirror (General table)
Warnings: implied intimacy
Notes: For my [info]hp_art100's table. Prompt #09 (Mirror). I liked it. :)

You can see my Table HERE

gap  )

Feb. 2nd, 2008


Art: "We'll be fine" (Remus/Tonks, Teddy, G)

Title: We’ll be fine
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Remus/Tonks, Teddy (yes, he is there :P
Media used: Colored pencils, PS (for the slight edited version)
Rating: G
Warnings: none.
Notes: Scanners don’t like colored pencils...and everytime I draw Remus he ends different. *cries* Actually, I think this is the first time I draw Remus in a het situation (also, it's my first Tonks!). Anyways, I used a pic of a couple in a magazine for reference to R/T position.

We’ll be fine )

Jan. 29th, 2008


Art: "She Never Doubt" (Harry, Hermione, GEN)

Title: She never doubt
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry, Hermione, the Giant Squid (gen art)
Media used: Colored Pencils
Rating: G
Prompt: #93. Support (General table)
Warnings: none.
Notes: For my [info]hp_art100's table. Prompt #93 (support). Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (my fav HP book, btw:), chapter 18. It’s the next morning after Harry’s name came out of the goblet.
You can see my Table HERE

By the lake )

Jan. 27th, 2008


Art/HP_art100: By All Means (Harry, Hermione, R)

Title: By all means
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry, Hermione
Media used: Pencils
Rating: soft R
Prompt: #88. Fragile (General table)
Warnings: They are nude, but it isn’t a sexual picture.
Notes: I did it for my [info]hp_art100's table. Prompt #88 (Fragile). Although is such common scene/position and I can see a few problems/mistakes on it- I have to say I did like it. You can see my Table HERE

By all means )

Jan. 24th, 2008


Sketch: Theirs (Trio, NWS)

Title: Theirs
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione/Ron
Media used: PS CS2
Rating: R
Con-crit?: Yep- but it’s just a sketch, so...
Warnings: threesome. Breasts. Intimacy.
Notes:Because I should be sleeping.

Harry and Ron think Hermione needs to relax. )

Jan. 13th, 2008


Art/HP_art100: "Aww, Harry...(Harry & Hermione, G)

Title: Awww, Harry...
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry & Hermione
Media used: PS CS2
Prompt: #77. Complimentary (General)
Rating: G
Con-crit?: Yep.
Warnings: Kissy in cheek?
Notes: For my HP_art100 table Prompt #77complimentary. Inspired by a quilt I had when I was -a lot- younger :)

Awww, Harry... )

Jan. 9th, 2008


Art: "In the Meadow" (Lily, Alice, G)

Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Title: In the Meadow
Characters: Lily Evans-Potter, Alice Longbottom
Rating: G
Media used: Crayons
Challenge: yes, Imitation
Concrit?: yes
Warnings: none
Notes/comments: Imitation of August Renoir’s In the Meadow.

Lily and Alice picking flowers )

Jan. 1st, 2008


Title: Professors?!
Characters: Harry/Hermione, Miss Filch (Mr. Filch and Madam Pince’s daughter.)
Rating: NC-17
Media used: Pencil, PS CS2
Warnings: Sexual Intercourse...Semi-Public Place, a desk, a observer...
AN: I made this some time ago. Well, I *did* make some changes (sp?) but nothing really big. You can see the old pic here

Okay, here, twenty years after the final battle, Harry and Hermione decided to work in Hogwarts as teachers...


Words & Colors is a new Multifandom Comm. on LJ- for fanart, fanfiction, and original works!

Dec. 29th, 2007


H/Hr Fanart (R, NWS)

H/Hr Sketchy Sketch.
Rated R for sexuality!-
OFF TOPIC: Please, before you make a member request- be sure to have an age statement in your profile. The birthday date isn’t necessary, just a *I’m over 18 years old*. :) I hate to reject members, but this IS on the comm’s profile. ^.^

Fever )

Dec. 22nd, 2007


'Morango com Chocolate' (Kingsley/Percy, NC17)

Title: ‘Chocolate com Morango’*
Pairingt: Kingsley/Percy
Medium: Pencil and PS CS2.
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Slash, Nudity, sexual behavior
Comments: A huge thank you to [info]glockgal who helped me a lot with this- transforming a very crap scrap in something better (at least, I hope so!) Thank you so much!

*Chocolate with Strawberry

Percy loves his job )

Dec. 21st, 2007


Sketch: Young Narcisa (Narcisa, G)

Title: Young Narcisa _WIP?
Characters:Narcisa Black.
Media: Pencil on Canson Paper
Warning: None.
AN: A little sketch


Dec. 19th, 2007


Temptation (H/Hr, Pg13, NWS)

Title: Temptation
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media used: Charcoal and Markers, small edit with PS CS2
Prompt: #05. Apple (General)
Rating: PG13 (NWS)
Warnings: Intimacy
Notes: For my HP_art100 table.

You can see my Table HERE

Apple )

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