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Nov. 30th, 2007


Art: Seven Seas (Harry/Hermione, Pg)

Title: Seven Seas
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media used: Colored Pencils
Prompt: #6. Pirate (General)
Rating: Pg
Con-crit?: Yep.
Warnings: none, I think
Notes:Pirate!Harry and Hermione. For my [info]hp_art100 's Table Prompt #6: Pirate. I didn't like the result. I screw up with their hands, and their faces are...argh! I just didn't like it!
Oh well...
ETA: I had no idea about this Pirate Day thing. This is really a coincidence. :)

Seven Seas

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!! )


Art/HP_art100: Healing Process (Harry/Hermione, R)

Title: Healing Process
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Media used: Pencil
Rating: R
Con-crit?: Yep. But flames against the pairing won't be tolerated.
Warnings: breasts, sexual intimacy.
Notes: I made it for my [info]hp_art100's table. Prompt #85 (Heal). You can see my Table HERE



Art: That Granger Girl (Hermione, Pg13)

Title: The Granger Girl
Characters: Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: PG13, but -maybe- NWS
Media used: Pencil, Pen and PS
Warnings: In Portuguese there's a word for this: 'cofrinho' (something like "'safetie'/small safe") , but I have no idea how it is called in English- so, let's say...'half bum'. :P
AN: Happy Birthday, Hermione! You really deserved a better faith, but then... could have be the one who married Jenny and named your son Albus Severus...:D
Ah! It was inspired by Manara. :)

Happy Birthday, Hermione Granger )


Art: Granger (Hermione, G)

Title: Granger
Characters: Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: G
Media used: Pencil, Pen and PS
Warnings: None, I think
AN: I think I went crazy with her hair...:P

Granger )


Art: Snowy Eve (Harry, Hermione, G)

Title: Snowy Eve.
Characters: Harry&Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: G
Media used: Colored Pencils
Warnings: DH Spoilers
AN: A scene from 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'- chapter 16, where Harry and Hermione went to see his parents' graves. I know they were supposed to be 'disguised', but *we* know it's them.
One of the few good scenes, IMO, in the whole book.

the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death )


Art- "Happiness at last" (Harry/Hermione- Pg)

Title: Happiness, at last.
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Challenge: Nope
Rating: PG ?
Media used: Colored Pencils
Warnings: Nothing, I think. Maybe- boxers and an almost kiss?
AN: A belated birthday gift to [info]lelymarques. So sorry for the lateness, Lely.
Espero que você goste. Feliz Aniversário! ^.^

Happy Birthday, Lely! )


Art: Hermione (Pg13, maybe NWS)

Media:Pencil and PS.
Hermione )


Art: Desire (Harry/Hermione, R)

Title: Desire
Characters:Hermione/ Harry.
Media: Pencil
Warning: Nudity, sexual intimacy.
AN: Okay, let me explain about this sketch/drawing. A looong time ago I posted -for the first time- a HP fanart (and I can’t find my post, but I think it was deleted by Photobucket). I didn’t have a scanner and my comp was broken at time- so, I used my cousin’s comp to do it. I edited/colored the sketch on her comp and posted it. However, I didn’t save it.
So, today, I found (lost in an old file) the original sketch. I remember that I’d used a famous D&G ad as reference.

Well, so here it is.  )


Art: Miss Granger (Hermione, G)

Author/Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Title: ‘Miss Granger’
Characters: Hermione
Medium: Pencil, Photoshop.
Rating: G
Warnings: None.
Comments: Something very simple. I don't know how to work with PS- neither I have a tablet and those fancy things...

Miss Granger )


Art: Hermione Granger (Pg, NWS)

Title: Hermione Granger
Characters: Hermione
Concrit: yes
Challenge: no
Rating: PG, I think- maybe NWS
Media used:Pencil
Warnings: underwear

Hermione Granger )


Art: Dreaming about him (Hermione, R)

title: Dreaming about him
Warnings: breasts



Art: His (Hermione, Pg)

Title: His
Characters: Hermione
Rating: PG (?, really don’t know- If I’m wrong about it let me know)
Media used:Pencil and scanner.
Challenge: No
Warnings: I don’t know- maybe her clothes ( a camisole), and her legs.

Notes/comments:Um... still no mouse (*glares at the new and expensive mouse*) This is just Hermione, at first I’ve thought about an adult Hermione- but she ended looking so young...I hope you like it.

His )


Art: Obsession (Hermione/Teddy, G)

Title: Obsession
Characters: Hermione/Teddy
Challenge: Nope
Rating: G
Media used: PS
Warnings: Spoiler Character
AN: This is my first *real* attempted on PS. Yeah, I've used it before but just to small things. This time I did practically evrything using it. Obviously there're some mistakes but I think it isn't too bad. For the eyes and mouth I used a tutorial (er, I don't have the link here, but you can see it on my favs on my DA page) :)
Ah, and if you are wondering why this new *obsession* of mine. Go read Worth the Risk by [info]inell. Wonderful story. No matter your ship, it's a *must read story*. :)

Obsession )


Art: Afterglow (Hr/Teddy, pg13)

Title: Afterglow
Rate:Pg13, but NWS
Media: Pencil
Warning: Intimacy. Spoiler Character.
AN: Just another little Hr/T skecth. I was so preoccupied about Teddy's face that Hermione ended up looking not so good. Oh well...

If it is wrong, why does it feel so right?  )


Art: Wrong (Hr/Teddy, R)

Title: Wrong
Characters:Hermione/ Spoiler Character.
Rate:R (NWS)
Media: Pencil, PS, and OC.
Warning: SPOILERS. Nudity.
AN: Okay, I couldn’t resist! This is just a scrap- a little fun with this *new* pairing.



Art/Sketch: Making out (HHr, pg13, NWS)

Title: Making Out
Characters: Harry/Hermione
Rate: Pg13, but NWS
Warnings: underwear, snog.
Media: Pencil
AN: A quick sketch.

Sketch under the cut )


Time to Live (Hermione/Charlie, NWS) Fic+Art

Title:Time to Live
Rate:R (fic and pic)
Summary:Hermione has decided they need to stop whatever is going on before things turn too serious.
Warnings:Nudity (pic) and sexual intercourse (for the fic)
Word Count: 1,515
AN: I wrote it for [info]laikmarei for [info]sexy_brilliance fest. The style is a little diferent of my usual stuff, but I liked the result. The drawing didn't end the way I planned, but- oh well.

Let me know what you think. :)

Ah, it's totally off-topic but I will use this opportunity and pimp about my new comm.. It’s called [info]potter_news, and it is a newsletter centered on Harry. ^.^

Time to Live )


Halloween Art

Okay, this is very simple- I really didn't have time for a good and detailed pic or anything like that, but what counts is the good intentions huh? ^.^

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

You're really amazing!

A Very Happy Halloween

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