August 2010



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Jul. 19th, 2010


A few notes!

EDITED to mention TIME and ACTIVITY.

1.) Please post your wanted scenes in one journal only. For the reason why, please check here on the FAQ. It has been a rule/guideline since before the game opened.

2.) Please condense your multiple wants on the WANTED page. When each character has a list of 3+ wants, it gets too long to scroll through and people get buried. So, feel free to list multiple desires, but please condense them with commas or slashes - it'll make other wants easier to see. Everyone who has a wanted page has been linked to, thus far. :D

3.) If you're commenting to tell us that you've made or added to your wanted scenes list, please comment on the contacts page, which is where we list those, not on your applications, the application page, or elsewhere. It gets confusing and adds more work for Abii and I.

4.) TIME! Please keep track of the dates! Time is explained in the FAQ here. The game and real life share days of the week. Today it is Monday in real life, and Monday in the game. Threads that were posted earlier than today and are unfinished are frozen on the day they were posted - that way we have time to finish them without having to hurry and write a thread within 24 hours. If you need to know what the date was in 2003, just add two to the present date. This day in 2010 it is the 19th, but in 2003 it was the 21st. Both were Mondays. This time schedule was chosen to be less confusing. Lol. Please utilize your desktop calendars if you're unsure. But the best way to remember is "Same day of the week, add two days for the date".

5. I'm going to start activity checks on Friday (unfortunately they're already necessary). Until then, individuals who haven't been heard from will be contacted on a case-by-case basis.

Thanks you guys!



7 New Characters

Please don't forget to update your f-lists!

We now have:
Tanith (Terrence) Higgs
Kit (Katie) Bell
Michelle (Michael) Corner
Amandus (Mandy) Brocklehurst
Hamish (Hannah) Abbott
Alec (Alicia) Spinnet
Leigh (Lee) Jordan

Thanks guys! :D Look for their intros soon.

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Jul. 18th, 2010



Hi guys. :) I'm posting an OOC with holds that are about to expire or already have, instead of commenting back on the holds page, mostly because some of the comments got deleted and I have no idea who held who in a few cases. If you had an extension and it expired as well, the holds page dictates that you must wait 2 days before replacing that hold.

Expiring... )
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Jul. 16th, 2010


Just some thoughts...


5 Ravenclaws
5 Slytherins
1,325,532 Gryffindors


1 Hufflepuff.

Where my badgers at?

On another note, I was wondering if you guys would be interested in doing monthly voting for little scene awards, just for fun. Click the cut for moar.

And the winner is... )



And we're off!

I've posted up a blog here - feel free to respond and post up your own blogs. Also, feel free to start posting actual threads on the main community - the current date is Friday, July 18th, 2003.

And remember - tomorrow (Saturday, July 17th, 2010), it will be Saturday, July 19th, 2003 in the game - so all threads and blogs should be labeled as such, and so on and so forth.

Thanks guys! We have a heck of a group already, can't wait to see what we come up with.


Jul. 15th, 2010


Updates, info and other junk...

1.) I've updated the holds page so that there are more options (been skimming canon lists of characters). They're mostly female, which sorta sucks for our current position, but there are more people to play, nonetheless. :D

2.) I'm in the middle of packing for a move, I'm 5 months pregnant, my husband (Rob) is switching jobs and I'm going to be employed soon. So! Please excuse my belatedness with approvals and adds and such. If there's anyone who would like to co-mod or would like to be a 'Deputy Headmaster', that'd be fantastic. Abii has agreed to help me out, yay! :)

3.) Finally, to Kenzie, Spoon, Selphie, Amanda, Layne, Dee, Katie and Tifa - I may not get around to commenting on each of your introductions, but I've read them all, as well as your profiles (obviously), so welcome once more. I'll be playing Hermes Granger and Bill Weasley (info coming soon). If either of those interested you, feel free to comment here or ping me on AIM for any reason. :D
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Jul. 13th, 2010


One-Day Hiatus

Going to be gone most of today, and was gone most of last night. So I'll reply to holds and applications when I get back this evening! Thanks and sorry for the delay.


Should be all caught up.
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Jul. 11th, 2010


Modly request!

Hello to all of you new members, and welcome!

I realized a bit too late that it would be really great to have our characters list their 'current residence' in their applications, just under 'occupation'. So, I've added it to the application page for upcoming members - but could you all add that bit into your profiles?

Current Residence: Type/City (ex: an apartment in Diagon Alley).

I really want to be able to give each character a tag for their private homes for threads that take place there. :D Thanks in advance!


P.S. I've updated how time works in the game! Check it out here! Please don't hesitate to ask questions here or there.
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Jun. 28th, 2010


Opening With 10 Applications!

Opening with 10 applications or by Friday, July 16th!