April 2011



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Apr. 5th, 2011


Characters: Verity O'Shea, Charlie Weasley
Prompt: Hospital
Word Count: 415
Warnings: Nothing


Apr. 4th, 2011


Characters: Lavender Brown, Michael Corner
Prompt: Peacoat for [info]habituation
Word Count: 864
Warnings: Bad writing? Fluffishness? I think that Lavender Brown should be a warning.


Concrit is love.

Apr. 2nd, 2011


day one!

Title: Relief
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Pairing: Gen, Kirk/McCoy if you squint
Rating: Low
Word Count: 330
A/N: Written for [info]surreptitous as day one of my 300 for 30. Feedback is love!

Relief )

Apr. 1st, 2011


Characters: Verity, mentions of Charlie in Paris SL
Prompt: Brown Hair
Word Count: 533
Warnings: Bad writing? Angst.


Note: My journal is flocked, comment to be added.

Mar. 15th, 2011



Mar. 14th, 2011



Really like Surreptitious? Want to be connected and support the idea? Go ahead and comment below to affiliate. We support role-playing games, icon creators, other challenge communities, and much more!



Please comment here with your Commitment. This is where the list of others just like you have signed away their next few weeks to try and beat the odds and write 300 words a day. Post your username, prompt table you are using, and, if you are, a topic you are writing about (you are allowed to leave this general). Once you have completed your claim respond to your original comment to let us know you are finished so we can update and congratulate you!

current claimsRead more... )



The rules for Surreptitious are simple, you make a commitment to write at least 300 words daily for the length of your prompts. There are no rewards, no penalties, just the satisfaction that you completed your challenge. However, to make things a little easier to follow here is the compiled list of guidelines to follow for the weeks you will have your prompt.

→ there are prompt tables, you chose one of the following to complete over the course of the next few weeks. you can choose to claim a topic to write over for those prompts or you can leave it general.

→ you make a commitment on the Commitments page to state your intentions. you can include the topic you claimed along with it or just that you are working on prompt table #X.
***we welcome writers of original and fandom types. all we want is 300 words a day.

→ it is preferred to only take on one commitment at a time, though there is no designated rule saying such. if you do take more than one claim this means you must write 300 words for each commitment you take on. if you take on three commitments this means you owe 900 words a day for each commitment.

→ once you've made your commitment you have to write 300 words a day. the 300 can be for one specific prompt or can be a trail over from a previous prompt, it doesn't matter, it just needs to be 300 words.

→ post your 300 words. you can do this daily or weekly, but please, make sure to post. the point of Surreptitious is not only to commit to writing 300 words but to encourage others to do the same. if you don't post your 300 (or compilation of 300s over the week) for over two weeks we will assume you dropped your claim.
***if you would rather not re-post all your words and are just writing in a separate journal you can just link to them instead.

→ complete all the prompts on your table. there is no deadline, keep writing 300 words a day until you're finished. we'll continue to encourage you.

→ announce you are finished! we want to congratulate you and add you to our list of people who have beat the odds!

→ not only write but get on and read! encourage others going through the same thing as you. if the writer states its okay, give constructive criticism. we want to practice but we also want to grow as writers and to do that you need criticism.


→ There is only one thing that will get you banned from this community and that is cruelty. We want to encourage and expanded our writing which occasionally means constructive criticism; that does not give people the right to be mean-spirited. If there are complaints regarding your comments you will be banned from the community.

→ Nothing is taboo to write about, we understand people's forms of expressions come out in a variety of ways. However, if you are writing something that is not approved for all eyes state so, some people are more sensitive than others.

→ You can write more than 300 words a day. 300 is the bare minimum, you are welcome to write 3000 or more if you'd like. We just want to see that 300.

→ This is an adult community; because of the nature of some of the works you must be over 17 to participate.

→ Even if a prompt table is claimed you can still claim it for yourself. There is no limit to how many people can have a table. (The same is true for fandoms/genres.)

**Any other questions please comment below, we are always willing to dole out wisdom-nuggets.**