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January 2nd, 2013

Locations: New York City

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New York City is a special and dangerous place. Often viewed as the heart of superhero culture, the Big Apple is home to Spider-Man, the Avengers, and many other household names. On the other hand, this also means that for the past fifty years, it's essentially been a warzone. People in NYC can purchase and often collect on "superhero insurance", and it's quite common to see Damage Control cleaning up sections of the city. If you've never been held hostage during a superpowered bank holdup or caught in a traffic jam due to an Avengers battle a couple blocks away, then you're not considered a true New Yorker. The civilians of this city are as tough as the heroes.

NYC is a little over an hour's drive from Salem Center.

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Locations: Salem Center/North Salem

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North Salem and its tiny hamlet of Salem Center make up a sleepy section of Westchester County. Spread out and peaceful, it's a quiet place for a school full of famous people. Most of the locals are used to seeing strange-looking people and/or celebrities, and generally regard X-School residents kindly.

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Locations: Graymalkin College

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Graymalkin College was founded in 1990 by Charles Xavier and Emma Frost. Primarily funded by donations from the Frosts, Starks, Worthingtons, and other wealthy families of the superhero community, it provides a safe college experience for graduates of Xavier's School as well as providing high-quality education. While not exclusive to members of the superhero community, many mutants and metahumans opt to commute to GC and continue to live as residents at Xavier's.

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