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Friday, July 5th, 2013

    Time Event
    A penal colony in the 1800s, a coal city during the 1850s, a P.O.W. camp in 1861, and a resort following the closing of Toluca Prison -- Silent Hill was known for many things, both good and bad, but it would be the strange activity of the following century that brought it the most notoriety.

    People went missing. A ship, the Little Baroness, went missing on Toluca Lake and it's fate unknown. Staff members of the tourist destination were found dead. They were all ruled as accidents, but rumors began circling about the small town that there was another party to blame than happenstance: The Order.

    Without rhyme or reason, people have been turning up in Silent Hill under mysterious circumstances. Lost in a pea soup fog that floods the area, it seems there is no escape from the sleepy town. The bridges, they're out. The ships, gone. The radios, unreliable at best. The history of these new arrivals are unknown, their ties to the city just as well, but one thing is for certain: There is a reason.

    Welcome to Silent Hill. Welcome home.
    The Good Folk

    Boston, Massachusetts—Once the rallying point for those yearning for freedom and an end to oppression. These days Boston plays host to a different kind of downtrodden soul. These people are known as Changelings—humans spirited away by the cruel, twisted creatures known as the True Fae. Don't be deceived—these faeries are the furthest thing from Tinkerbell, and their once prisoners are now on the run from the twisted Wonderland known as Arcadia.

    The citizens of the Beacon Freehold are free for now—free to try to fit the tarnished pieces of their humanity back together and to come to terms with what they have experienced. But though they may have temporarily outrun their captors, the fear of the True Fae is never far behind them, and no Changeling can be sure if their freedom will last, or if the man who sells them out won't be their best friend...

    The Good Folk is based on White Wolf's Changeling: The Lost.


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