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Thursday, July 4th, 2013

    Time Event
    Hale House Rules & FAQ Wanteds Cast List

    Hale House is a thriving GPSL that is looking for new characters and players to join our ranks! We've been successfully running since April 17, 2013 and we're still going strong. We are canon up until the end of Season 2 and at that point we break away from the mold to become our own AU reality in the Teen Wolf universe but that doesn't mean you can't bring in some of the snazzy characters that have graced us with their presence in season 3. While we do not run concurrently with the season, we do allow the characters that appear to be introduced into the game.

    The game-wide plot is updated with each game week so don't fret because some of the awesome plots you see on the screen will flow through into the game. So come join us today and bring in your own take on some of your favorite faces! We look forward to hearing from you soon!

    ALPHA TWINS: Ethan and Aiden have invaded BHHS. Being part of the alpha pack, they're not exactly the most friendly towards some of the students there. Do you have what it takes to be considered for their role?

    DANNY: Where's Jackson's best friend?! Everyone could use a little more Danny in their lives. How will he handle the truth about his friend if he's pulled into the fold? Will he remain completely oblivious?

    CHRIS: Where does he stand on where things are currently with the pack, the alphas who have begun to arrive and all things supernatural? How's he coping with the recent passing of his wife? Is he friend or is he foe?

    DEUCALION: The Alpha of Alphas. His part is important and vast and only the best applications will be considered for him. Do you have what it takes?

    Holds Character Types Application Drop Box

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