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Saturday, December 31st, 2011

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    Marked - A Modern Fantasy

    A modern fantasy roleplay.

    Nobody had expected the secrets that Rochester Academy's fire was destined to reveal. For nearly a year, the newly opened Academy had survived in peace, lying to its students and its teachers about the very reason that they were there. But with a single burst of flame the entire auditorium was lit up. It was then that the school discovered their own truth. Each and every single one of them was Marked; known only by the mysterious powers that seemed to follow the living tattoos upon their bodies.

    The Marked, however, have never been alone in this secret world that they are being thrust back in to. From the shadows come the inhuman creatures that have hidden in plain sight for longer than anyone can remember. Their world is opening and they say more is soon to come.

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    Now comes the time of the Originals. Everything you thought you knew about them is wrong. Klaus is running, still. With Stefan and his sister Rebekah at his side, he is in a hurry to find the answers as to why he can not make hybrids. Rebekah knows, she was with him the longest. They are being hunted. By their parents. The problem is, they aren't the only ones after him. Family he had no idea he had wants him. The answers they all need, and want, are still in Mystic Falls. Once again the supernatural world is colliding on the town again, and this time, no one will be left unaffected. It's going to be one Hell of a party.

    Ye Gods!

    In centuries past, mortals believed in superstition. They believed in gods. They believed in magic. As human civilization evolved and fewer people chose to believe in the otherworld, the mist grew thicker and the parallel worlds more separate. Mortals were blessed (and cursed) to see only what they wanted to see. They went about their business unaware that the gods were still very much around and pulling the strings.

    With worship waning, the gods found that they had to think of new ways to increase their power and influence. They turned to their mortal children - their demi-gods. However, lately, greater problems have arisen. The forces of darkness and chaos are rising, threatening the very fabric of existence. Who will succeed? Who will stand for goodness and light, and who will be the harbingers of darkness and chaos?

    [info]yegods is a modern fantasy roleplaying game inspired by White Wolf's Scion setting and Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series. We're a small plot-driven, log-heavy game with super friendly players and a lot of activity, so join today! Join us and experience the adventure, intrigue, and excitement of Ye Gods!


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