Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

    Time Event

    Officially Opening November 5th

    In the small sleepy college town of Black Falls, all seems well. But lurking under the surface trouble is brewing. It would seem the citizens are destined to be the prey of a war between hell and the human race.

    The clock is ticking! At midnight on October 31st all hell will break loose. Literally.

    Only those few college students who were lucky enough to purchase their Halloween costumes at a small costume shop located on the campus of Black Falls College, have the chance to survive and preserve their souls.

    What side will you fall on?

    Please check the premise for more details.
    This is a Mature rated game.

    Moderator Note: I am looking for humans and demons. ESPECIALLY DEMONS. But frankly I need to fill a wide range of characters. This is a brand spanking new game!!! The game will begin on November 5th, 2011 but is set to take place in game on October 31st, 1999. Human characters will need to choose a costume, and choose well. Each come with their own limitations and bonuses. Demons too have special abilities and limitations. It is in essence a survival horror game.

    Currently I have two characters reserved for players I know from previous games I have run. I run this game essentially like a Dungeon master, I do not play a character, I simply oversee the world it is set in. I would like to recruit a wide range of characters and players to give the game more diversity.

    For those interested in applying, humans must be students. Demons must be members of the college faculty, be they support staff or professors.

    Savage Garden
    One, two princes kneel before you.. our tale begins with two brothers, one favored and one left in the shadows. The favored Prince, Peter, was the apple of his parents’ eyes --always doted on, always pampered. He was to take the throne upon his 18th birthday. His younger brother, James, was constantly a step behind, constantly overlooked.. and as the years passed, his jealousy and bitterness increased at an alarming rate.

    Three days before the crown was to be transferred, James enacted a horrifically devious plan, wherein Peter was to be killed. He hired an assumed assassin named Pan, not knowing that he was an immortal. This immortal took one look at Peter and knew that he could not kill him, and instead chose to spirit him away to his mystical home, Neverland.

    While James attempted to display his ‘heartbreak’ over this ‘awful crime,’ their Father saw straight into his black and envious heart. The mourning King banished his only remaining son, punishing him with a life upon the sea. What he did not realize at the time was that the Captain he hired to take him away --Captain Hook-- was an eternally damned creature who usually sailed the same waters of the vampire who had stolen Peter. Those of Neverland.

    The Fates had intervened.. wishing to twist and intertwine the brothers’ lives forever.

    Their paths did not cross again for a decade, however. Pan became almost immediately entranced with Peter and soon gifted him with immortality --preserving him forever in the shape of an adolescent young man. Their flights through Neverland’s sky became infamous, and Hook soon grew tired of them.. choosing to proclaim them at war. He attempted to corner them numerous times, but the slippery scoundrels always escaped.. until the tenth anniversary of Peter’s kidnapping.

    In a huge confrontation and ensuing battle on Marooners’ Rock, James realized that Peter had lived.. and in his rage, he sought to kill him once and for all.. wielding a specially-designed blade that was slicked with liquid fire. The sword’s tip rang true, but at the last instant, Pan stepped in and took the blow.. yelling for Peter to fly. Hook and James made quick work of the gravely-wounded Pan, scattering his ashes to the Seven Winds. The black-hearted brother wasn’t finished, however, and turned the blade upon his former Captain --thereby claiming the title of Hook for himself.

    He and Peter, the new Pan, now play the constant, dangerous game of Cat & Mouse around Neverland. And no one quite knows who will ever win.

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