Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

    Time Event
    The gates to Hell are going to open...
    Will you join the fight to stop it, or will you decide the world is better off ending?

    We are looking for canon characters from the Vampire Chronicles, Buffy/Angel, The Dresden Files, True Blood, Supernatural and the Laurell K. Hamilton/Anita Blake books, as well as original characters based in these worlds.


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    Blood Red Sky will open on Friday, August 26th, 2011

    Get ready for [info]fangwars!

    Take what you know about Los Angeles, and be prepared to throw it out the window. Look beyond the crimes of gangs, mobs and the mafia. Look closer. Do you see what's really going on? Well, you wouldn't. For centuries they have been running the city of Los Angeles from beneath the radar. The local news, television shows, hollywood stars, you name it, they control it. It's all to better suit their needs and their lifestyle. Ridiculously high murder rates? No problem! Nothing a bit of mind control couldn't fix. Want to be a famous actor or actress? That's no issue! They just hope you don't mind being nommed on in return. Who are they you ask? Vampires, of course!

    You're probably wondering, "Hey, why hasn't anyone tried to stop them!?" Well, they have. For hundreds of years, this single family of vampires has taken control of the city, but the problem is that they weren't the only family to found the town. Coinciding with their existence there have been a long line of werewolves, and a family of vampire hunters. Once, they lived together in equality and peace, but a vampire's blood lust for the lives of innocent people became too much to control. Death tolls and murders hiked, and the others feared something had to be done. The city's general population has recently begun to awaken to the awareness of such beings. Tired of being used as toys, snacks, and lackies, the human's who have become aware of such creatures have begun to fight back.

    In this game, you'll find vampires working for the founding family, lone vampires, hunters, werewolves, witches, and you're normal, run of the mill humans. Not all of them are evil, and not all human's are opposed to the existence of vampires and the supernatural. When it really comes down to it, the fate of the city and the alliance of your character are in your hands. Because of how extensive we seem to have accidentally made this game, we plan on this being a long term community. We would be pleased if we had active players join us for a long haul. With all said, thank you for checking us out and good luck with applying. We hope to stalk you in the night soon!

    the families factions & positions species information taken storylines


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