Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

    Time Event
    Idolum: City Based Supernatural Game

    Are you watching your step?
    The word Idolum means a mental image, a false idea, a fallacy.

    As we all pass through the ins and outs of our everyday lives, we have a mental image before us that we perceive as our reality. However, as the citizens of New York are slowly coming to realize, not everything, or everyone is as they appear in this false perception.

    A brand new supernatural based city game, Idolum is calling for humans, witches and vampires to come join us in the bustling the cultural hub of New York City. Since the game is only now opening to the public, many playbys are available! We encourage original characters of all types to join us as the veil falls and the grim truth comes out to play.

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