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Monday, May 30th, 2011

    Time Event
    Alter Locus: A Greek Mythology game
    Chicago. The city of second chances.

    Long ago, mortals revered gods. Different pantheons and deities existed in every corner of the world, worshipped by the mortals within their domain. For hundreds of years each culture had their own mythology, their own beliefs, and their own figures to devote their lives to.

    That was until Christianity came.

    The worship of one single god spread throughout the world and while many cultures did not adopt this new faith, many did, whether by choice or force. The world of the Greek gods shattered and their powers faded as the faith in them slowly became a faith in God. Now they struggle to find those that believe to fuel their divine powers, as without them they are not so high above mere mortals.

    There are still those who pray to the Greek gods and there are those who claim to have seen them. There are also those who believe, but instead of worshipping these fallen figures, they wish to take advantage of their weakness and gain the powers of the gods for themselves.

    Belief in these gods it at its highest since their fall, whispering to the gods of another change. But will the gods overcome the obstacles and take their second chance to regain power?



    Welcome to The Flying Dutchman, Davey Jones' locker for all lost souls. At a crucial moment in your character's history, the universe split. Destiny went its merry way and your character got stuck in a time rip on a luxury cruise ship staffed completely by ghosts. The ship's unplottable. The amenities are free. There are others like you, all trying to get home. So you can either enjoy yourself, or waste your unscheduled vacation worrying yourself over a way to get home. The choice is yours. Of course you may have to deal with a hiccup or two on the way, like sea monsters and deserted islands.

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    Dr Who's Donna Noble, Ianto Jones; Buffy Summers, Xander Harris, Winnifred Burkle; Being Human's George Sands, Nina Pickering; Soul Eater's Patty Thompson; Angels/Demons from any fandom

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