Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Sunday, May 29th, 2011

    Time Event
    Calling All Supernatural Fans...

    Been re-watching a few Supernatural episodes and would love to do something based on ‘The French Mistake’. I had an idea of Ruby somehow being sent back to the real world with the Winchesters, with no memory of what she really is. She’d still have her demonic powers but they’d do nothing but freak her out since she thinks she’s an actress married to a fellow actor.

    If anyone thinks this could be built on and plays Dean or Sam (or anyone else from the show, especially Crowley) please get in touch.

    The Lethe Project: Now Open! Come Join!
    a panfandom horror/survival role playing community

    The receiving room lights, a hot white halogen array, greet you when you wake up. The room is small, with only some dated medical monitoring equipment, a metal gurney, a cylindrical security camera, and a locker beside the door. All of it was a sterile white once upon a time, but has been aged with mildew and mold.

    You are covered in a hospital gown and nothing else. That's alright, your clothing is waiting for you in the locker with a yellowed envelope on top of it.

    Inside is a letter printed on old perforated printer paper with the side tabs still attached.

    Welcome to The Lethe Project.

    As a volunteer for our program, you have been transported to our subterranean laboratory facility for testing and monitoring. Our state-of-the-art facility is equipped to accommodate you during your stay with bunk space, a mess hall, gymnasium, and indoor garden. The non-invasive security system will monitor your activity and record your progress.

    Please enjoy your stay and thank you for your donation to science.

    Once you exit the room with your belongings, the door locks. There will be no way to return to that room, and there is no sign of a way out.
    Need the Doctor at [info]jones_locker for immediate plot!! Any regeneration welcome, but 9 or 10 would be most preferred!

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