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Monday, March 7th, 2011

    Time Event

    .old gods never die. they simply get recycled.
    In the beginning, there was Khaos.

    From it came everything else, and from everything that Khaos was, gods came. You know them from when they were infinite and absolute - their myths, their stories, their legends.

    They weren't supposed to die - but worry not, for death is not an end. Their mortal shells hold their immortal souls, a new beginning each turn of the wheel. They bleed. They die.

    Khaos collects.

    Deities have been reborn once again as mortals in 2010. Welcome to NYC, the cosmopolitan capital of the world, breathe in that fresh air- enjoy that cup of latte (it may well be your last). Your mortal life has been spent spoiled and rich, insignificant with its ease.

    It's time to pay up.

    Apps & Reserves- Open from 9th till the 16th Open for application: Aztec, Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, Judeo-Christian and Norse. Expect more pantheon openings in the future as plot progresses along.

    Light of May

    MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC


    Area Information
    What would you do to stay young and beautiful forever? Would you lie? Would you steal? Would you kill?

    Sirens are brought up to do exactly that. A race of woman, capable of luring men with their magical songs, and shapeshifting into birds. Beautiful and enchanting, sirens are capable of unlocking immortality. But it comes at a price. Regularly afflicted with debilitating murderlusts, sirens have a choice. Give in, and kill, or lose their beauty, their youth, and their sanity. The more they kill, the longer they'll live.

    For centuries, siren women have made their choice. Some try to kill only when necessarily, while some embrace what they are. Whether they found what they were to be a burden or a gift, it was theirs to bear in secrecy.

    Until the Light of May.

    On May 1st, 2009, the supernatural world revealed itself to society. And the siren race was listed as one of the top threats to humanity. Sirens have been driven into hiding. Some try to pass as werebirds, some choose a life on the run. No one knows what happens to a siren if caught, but there are rumors of scientific experiments to 'cure' them.

    Whatever you decide, one thing is certain. Don't get caught.

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