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Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

    Time Event
    Deceptive Perception - A Semi-Anonymous Supernatural-Type RP

    - the premise & rules -
    a deceptive perception
    maps of the land of inora
    general rules of play
    the log format
    friend-addition button
    - the characters -
    the character list
    taken player-bases
    needed & wanted
    character creation
    application & holds
    - the site map -
    moderator journal
    main game
    ooc comments
    Deceptive Perception is a game unlike most games out there today. The players are encouraged to remain anonymous while playing in order to suspend reality even more than normal. This also encourages those who might not ever meet or know each other to play together and, eventually, want to know each other. Think of this game as a place to let go of any preconceptions about anyone you may have ever met online and just play with the characters that are set out before you.

    The characters are supernatural beings who have existed for as long as mortal stories have been told - vampires, demons, and werewolves just to name a few. That's not to say that mortals don't still over-run the lands, but the constant supernatural presence does make some more mindful of what places they venture into on dark and stormy nights.

    The land itself, known as Inora, is unlike any other place within the mortal realm. The lands consist of a set of islands that cradle more than just mortals in its loving embrace. The islands were said to have been created by the vampires long ago when mortals were still young and easily manipulated. They gave themselves a place to live among the mortals who feed them, among the mortals who they rely on. They used their magic and knowledge to shape the lands to their desires while painting the earth red with blood. Eventually, other races were thrown into the fray and a century of war was fought for supremacy.

    Centuries passed between rulers and the times of war seemed to almost be forgotten. Even when some rulers' deaths seemed somewhat unnatural, the treaty between the demons and vampires was always upheld. Those cursed descendants of man, werewolves, always presided over the ceremonies unto which the power of the government changed hands. Eventually, the winds of change blew through the lands and the times evolved as well. New cities sprang up in the wilds and an industrial revolution took hold.

    But even something as simple as your perception can be deceptive and nothing is ever perfect...

    There are copious amounts of characters needed in the game to flesh out the royal families and houses. All those currently not filled have been placed up on the Needed & Wanted Page in order to make it easier for potential players to see what is going on during the "building" process. Names that are listed can be altered to suit writers' tastes. These are merely suggested names to act as placeholders in the histories of characters who have already been accepted. We know these people exist, but we don't know everything about them. Please help us find out just who they are!

    Writers of this game should have control over their own story lines and, as long as nothing really drastic is needed, the mod will not intervene to stop plots unless it is deemed necessary to keep the game from jumping the shark. Of course, personal story lines are encouraged, but you are also encouraged to play with the group rather than just one or two others.

    Opened January 4th, 2009! Werewolves are desperately needed for the main plot to move forward!


    On December 26th, 2009, the cruise ship Nausicaä set sail from Miami to Bermuda on her maiden voyage.

    In the months beforehand, 100 lucky people from all over the world won themselves a ticket with a budding cruise line, Odyssey Lines. Some entered themselves, some didn't - though it was explained that a friend, family, or co-worker anonymously submitted their name in a contest. To all winners, it seemed like a dream come true. An all-expenses paid New Years celebration in paradise. Plane tickets to Miami, and home from Bermuda were included.

    The Nausicaä was set to arrive in Bermuda on January 4th, 2010. That never happened.

    On New Years Eve, a terrible storm hit them at sea, pushing them off-course and sending them deeper into the Bermuda Triangle. All outside communication with the world was lost. Satelite devises, such as tracking, died. Compasses began to spin. Cell phones stopped working. They were lost at sea.

    On January 2nd, the Nausicaä turned what was presumably East, knowing that eventually they'd hit something. This, too, never happened. Though direction was never altered, the sun rose and set in a new position every day.

    Crew started disappearing. The captain kills himself. The Nausicaä is lost in the Bermuda Triangle, its passengers left to fend for themselves.

    Will you survive?

    Oblivion is a brand new, original-character game just opened on January 2nd. We have friendly, experienced mods, and an ever-growing player base happy to plot! Don't miss your chance to be there from the beginning!

    Rules | FAQs | About the Ship | Application | Format | Characters | Wanted

    [info]oblivionrp | [info]oblivionmods | [info]oblivionooc

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