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Monday, December 29th, 2008

    Time Event

    On December 26th, 2009, the cruise ship Nausicaä set sail from Miami to Bermuda on her maiden voyage.

    In the months beforehand, 100 lucky people from all over the world won themselves a ticket with a budding cruise line, Odyssey Lines. Some entered themselves, some didn't - though it was explained that a friend, family, or co-worker anonymously submitted their name in a contest. To all winners, it seemed like a dream come true. An all-expenses paid New Years celebration in paradise. Plane tickets to Miami, and home from Bermuda were included.

    The Nausicaä was set to arrive in Bermuda on January 4th, 2010. That never happened.

    On New Years Eve, a terrible storm hit them at sea, pushing them off-course and sending them deeper into the Bermuda Triangle. All outside communication with the world was lost. Satelite devises, such as tracking, died. Compasses began to spin. Cell phones stopped working. They were lost at sea.

    On January 2nd, the Nausicaä turned what was presumably East, knowing that eventually they'd hit something. This, too, never happened. Though direction was never altered, the sun rose and set in a new position every day.

    Crew started disappearing. The captain kills himself. The Nausicaä is lost in the Bermuda Triangle, its passengers left to fend for themselves.

    Will you survive?

    Rules | FAQs | About the Ship | Application | Format | Characters | Wanted

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