Supernatural RP Ads' Journal
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Sunday, August 17th, 2008

    Time Event
    Mythushaus - a new PB roleplay

    A city is full of stories. Hundreds, thousands, millions of stories unfold everyday along the concrete byways and beneath steel towers. And while every story is unique and original, there’s no denying that some of them seem…familiar. As if the same stories were repeating themselves, the same characters taking shape in slightly different forms.

    In one particular city, on one particular block, that déjà vu is particularly intense. The people that live and work on this particular block seem to come from the oldest stories. The ones that keep showing up, everywhere you turn. All on this block.

    This is the home of the archetypes, the culture heroes, the origin myths, the figures of childhood bedtime stories and the characters of song and legend. They’ve shown up in dozens of places, in countless variations. And now they’re here. The only question is: what form will they take this time?
    The resemblance may be as striking or as subtle as you like. Impress us.

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