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Saturday, August 16th, 2008

    Time Event

    Welcome to Eventide, a small town on the outskirts of the state of New York. Eventide is a peaceful sort of place, full of family houses, cozy apartments, pubs where they show Sunday night football, parks, and good schools. Oh! And it also happens to be the location of Imperial, a clever little second hand shop owned by a kind old woman named Matilda Craft. At least until poor old Matilda disappeared in the February of 2008….

    Things haven’t exactly been the same in Eventide since Matilda’s disappearance caused Imperial to close down. Strange occurrences have been going on in Eventide, sometimes general and sometimes to individual people. There have been claims about unusual wild life being glimpsed in the neighborhoods. The strangest thing of all is the unusual invitations that have been sent to the homes of certain individuals.

    Matilda Craft was no regular old shopkeeper. She was a witch; And in the world known as The Craftlands she was known as Lady Daltima, The Craft Queen. Since the beginning of time The Craft Lands have existed; an unknown realm separated from the Earth we know, where magic and spells and mythical creatures really exist. Since its beginning The Craftlands have been ruled by The Craft King or Queen. And now it is time for a new ruler.

    Somehow Matilda has sent out invitations to select individuals of our realm, inviting them to compete for the chance to become the next Craft King or Queen. But these Candidates' jobs will not only be struggling to obtain this position, but they are also the only ones who can recapture the wild Spells and strange creatures that have been escaping The Craftlands into Earth. Only they can still the trouble and violence that has been brewing in The Craftlands.

    Congratulations; You have been nominated as a Craft Candidate.
    Her Majesty, Queen Daltima of the Craftlands, formally invites you to the town of
    Eventide, New York and the shop Imperial, where your destiny waits for you . . .

    How will you respond?

    The Plot. | The Frequently Asked. | The Rulebook.
    The Characters. | Taken&Held PBs. | Wanted Characters.
    Playable Races. | Craft Magic. | The Beastiary. | Town Of Eventide. | The Craftlands.
    The Application. | Friend All & Players.


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