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HEA-110-80; Chapter Four [Jan. 30th, 2008|05:33 pm]
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[music |Love So Sweet - ARASHI]

1: Sexual harassment is a form of abuse.

2: The long-term effects of violence can include increased risk of infectious illnesses.

3: One out of six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape.

4: Gang violence is a form of community violence.

5: In 2000, homicide was the second leading cause of death for Americans between 15 and 24 years of age.

6: Which of the following workers has the highest risk of becoming a victim of workplace violence?
department store manager
elementary school teacher
bank teller trainee

cab driver

7: Owning a gun s a risk factor for violence.

8: Most acts of physical violence against children are not committed by strangers.

9: People who were abused as children are at risk of abusing their own children.

10: A pedophile is sexually attracted to children.

11: Factors that contribute to violence include the availability of guns and use of drugs.

12: Rohypnol is commonly referred to as a "date-rape" drug.

13: Violence on college campuses is often associated with the consumption of alcohol.

14: Hate crimes include violent attacks against homosexuals.

15: Abusing drugs, owning a gun, and being a teenager are risk factors for violence.
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HEA-110-80; Chapter Three [Jan. 30th, 2008|05:19 pm]
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[music |WAVE - ARASHI]

1: Taking a final exam is an example of a psychological stressor.

2: Over time, too much psychological stress can result in burnout.

3: Epinephrine is released in response to stressful situations.

4: Stress hormones increase central nervous system activity.

5: The physical adaptations that enable a person's body to deal with dangerous situations are called the fight-or-flight response.

6: Saliva production decreases during the alarm stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

7: Abusing drugs, being unable to make decisions, and having sleeping problems are possible results of psychological stress.

8: Low levels of stress can enhance performance.

9: Being fired from a job is an example of distress.

10. Accepting a new job an example of eustress.

11. White blood cells are in the immune system.

12. Distressed children often exhibit regressive behaviors. Adolescents who are under a lot of emotional stress often suffer from depression and abuse drugs. Rates of emotional depression and suicide are high among the isolated elderly population.

13: Stressful situations can have beneficial effects on a person.

14: Regular exercise may reduce the negative effects of stress.

15: Intestinal cramps, constipation, and diarrhea are recurrent symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
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HEA-110-80; Chapter Two [Jan. 30th, 2008|05:05 pm]
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[music |Wish - Arashi]

1: It is normal for a psychologically healthy person to desire privacy.

2: Physiology is the study of how the body functions.

3: Most nerves produce and release neurotransmitters, chemicals that convey information between nerves.

4: Temperament is the predictable way that one responds to the environment.

5: Eric, a college student, went to a party the night before an exam. After failing the test, he makes up various excuses for his poor performance. Eric is relying on the defense mechanism called rationalization.

6: According to Erik Erikson, psychologically healthy people develop a sense of trust during infancy.

7: Self-actualization is at the top of Maslow's hierarchy.

8: A person is being assertive when he or she reacts to social situations in ways that do not interfere with the rights of others.

9: Delusions are inaccurate or unreasonable beliefs.

10: Being afraid of flying or spiders is an example of a phobia.

11: According to the 1994 National Comorbidity Survey, depression and alcohol dependence are the most common psychological disturbances that affect Americans.

12: A persistent, inappropriate, and repetitive thought or impulse that produces anxious feelings is an obsession.

13: Almost one in five Americans experiences a major depressive disorder during his or her lifetime.

14: Females involved in sports that emphasize leanness and low body weight have an increased risk of developing female athlete triad.

15: A sign of schizophrenia is speech that does not make sense.
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HEA-110-80; Chapter One [Jan. 30th, 2008|04:53 pm]
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[music |Boku no Kimochi - WaT]

1: According to the final report concerning Americans'' overall progress toward meeting the goals of Healthy People 2000, between 1985 and 2000, fewer adults smoked than before 1985.

2: A characteristic that increases one''s chances of developing a condition is a risk factor.

3: A risk factor is a characteristic that increases an individual''s chances of developing a health condition.

4: Wellness is the sense that one is functioning at his or her best level.

5: Dental health is not one of the six components of health.

6: Good physical health involves the proper functioning of the body's organs.

7: Signs are the observable and measurable features of an illness such as a fever or a rash.

8: High blood pressure is a sign of illness.

9: A headache is a symptom of illness.

10: Good psychological health involves the ability to deal effectively with life's challenges.

11: Being able to cope effectively with changing situations is a feature of good psychological health.

12: The ability to analyze and solve problems is a feature of good intellectual health.

13: Good environmental health involves the quality of one’s living conditions.

14: Heart disease is the leading cause of death.

15: In the United States, the three leading causes of death are highly linked to lifestyle choices.
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