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HEA-110-80; Chapter Four [Jan. 30th, 2008|05:33 pm]
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[music |Love So Sweet - ARASHI]

1: Sexual harassment is a form of abuse.

2: The long-term effects of violence can include increased risk of infectious illnesses.

3: One out of six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape.

4: Gang violence is a form of community violence.

5: In 2000, homicide was the second leading cause of death for Americans between 15 and 24 years of age.

6: Which of the following workers has the highest risk of becoming a victim of workplace violence?
department store manager
elementary school teacher
bank teller trainee

cab driver

7: Owning a gun s a risk factor for violence.

8: Most acts of physical violence against children are not committed by strangers.

9: People who were abused as children are at risk of abusing their own children.

10: A pedophile is sexually attracted to children.

11: Factors that contribute to violence include the availability of guns and use of drugs.

12: Rohypnol is commonly referred to as a "date-rape" drug.

13: Violence on college campuses is often associated with the consumption of alcohol.

14: Hate crimes include violent attacks against homosexuals.

15: Abusing drugs, owning a gun, and being a teenager are risk factors for violence.
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HEA-110-80; Chapter Three [Jan. 30th, 2008|05:19 pm]
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[music |WAVE - ARASHI]

1: Taking a final exam is an example of a psychological stressor.

2: Over time, too much psychological stress can result in burnout.

3: Epinephrine is released in response to stressful situations.

4: Stress hormones increase central nervous system activity.

5: The physical adaptations that enable a person's body to deal with dangerous situations are called the fight-or-flight response.

6: Saliva production decreases during the alarm stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

7: Abusing drugs, being unable to make decisions, and having sleeping problems are possible results of psychological stress.

8: Low levels of stress can enhance performance.

9: Being fired from a job is an example of distress.

10. Accepting a new job an example of eustress.

11. White blood cells are in the immune system.

12. Distressed children often exhibit regressive behaviors. Adolescents who are under a lot of emotional stress often suffer from depression and abuse drugs. Rates of emotional depression and suicide are high among the isolated elderly population.

13: Stressful situations can have beneficial effects on a person.

14: Regular exercise may reduce the negative effects of stress.

15: Intestinal cramps, constipation, and diarrhea are recurrent symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
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HEA-110-80; Chapter Two [Jan. 30th, 2008|05:05 pm]
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[music |Wish - Arashi]

1: It is normal for a psychologically healthy person to desire privacy.

2: Physiology is the study of how the body functions.

3: Most nerves produce and release neurotransmitters, chemicals that convey information between nerves.

4: Temperament is the predictable way that one responds to the environment.

5: Eric, a college student, went to a party the night before an exam. After failing the test, he makes up various excuses for his poor performance. Eric is relying on the defense mechanism called rationalization.

6: According to Erik Erikson, psychologically healthy people develop a sense of trust during infancy.

7: Self-actualization is at the top of Maslow's hierarchy.

8: A person is being assertive when he or she reacts to social situations in ways that do not interfere with the rights of others.

9: Delusions are inaccurate or unreasonable beliefs.

10: Being afraid of flying or spiders is an example of a phobia.

11: According to the 1994 National Comorbidity Survey, depression and alcohol dependence are the most common psychological disturbances that affect Americans.

12: A persistent, inappropriate, and repetitive thought or impulse that produces anxious feelings is an obsession.

13: Almost one in five Americans experiences a major depressive disorder during his or her lifetime.

14: Females involved in sports that emphasize leanness and low body weight have an increased risk of developing female athlete triad.

15: A sign of schizophrenia is speech that does not make sense.
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HEA-110-80; Chapter One [Jan. 30th, 2008|04:53 pm]
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[music |Boku no Kimochi - WaT]

1: According to the final report concerning Americans'' overall progress toward meeting the goals of Healthy People 2000, between 1985 and 2000, fewer adults smoked than before 1985.

2: A characteristic that increases one''s chances of developing a condition is a risk factor.

3: A risk factor is a characteristic that increases an individual''s chances of developing a health condition.

4: Wellness is the sense that one is functioning at his or her best level.

5: Dental health is not one of the six components of health.

6: Good physical health involves the proper functioning of the body's organs.

7: Signs are the observable and measurable features of an illness such as a fever or a rash.

8: High blood pressure is a sign of illness.

9: A headache is a symptom of illness.

10: Good psychological health involves the ability to deal effectively with life's challenges.

11: Being able to cope effectively with changing situations is a feature of good psychological health.

12: The ability to analyze and solve problems is a feature of good intellectual health.

13: Good environmental health involves the quality of one’s living conditions.

14: Heart disease is the leading cause of death.

15: In the United States, the three leading causes of death are highly linked to lifestyle choices.
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Geology (GEL-120) [Jan. 25th, 2008|09:49 am]
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[Current Location |School Library]
[mood | annoyed]

Scientific Method
Theory => model
1- predictions
2- supported by body of evidence

Cosmology - formation of the universe
geocentric - earth is the center
heliocentric - sun is the center

SUN --> [Terrestrial Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars] (Belt) [Gas Giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto]

(small pt (no mass or volume) -> large pt)
1- expanding universe
2- blue light shift/red light shift
3- doppler effect

Nebulae - patchy clouds of gas sepparated from one another by the vacuum of space.

Kant's Solar Nebula Theory -
1- planets in plane of the ecliptic
2- distribution of matter
3- all planets revolve around in the same direction

Solar Nebula:
- distribution of mass
- disc shape
- planets in the plane of ecliptic
- planets revolve around sun in same direction
- planets rotate in same direction (except Venus)

Proto Planets/Planetisimals
- forming through acreation
- heat of acretion causes melting
- differentiation occured to form layers in early Earth
- core consists of iron FeN
- outer core = liquid Fe magnetic field

Stellar nucleosynthesis
1- fusion
2- neutron capture & decay

Differentiation - layered structure of Earth

- most Greek philosophers favored a geocentric Universe concept.
- The Renaissance brought a revolution in scientific thought.
- Eratosthenes was able to measure the size of the Earth in ancient times, but it was not until fairly recently that astronomers accurately determined the distance to the Sun, planets, and stars.
- The Earth is one of nine planets orbiting the Sun, and this solar system lies on the outer edge of a slowly revolving galaxy, the Milky Way, which is composed of about 300 billion stars.
- The red shift of light from distant galaxies, a manifestation of the Doppler effect, indicates that all distant galaxies are moving away from the Earth.
- The first atoms (H & He) of the Universe developed about 1 million years after the Big Bang.
- According to the nebular theory of planet formation, gravity causes clumps of gas in the nebulae to coalesce into revolving balls.
- Heavier elements form during fusion reactions in stars.
- Planets developed from the rings of gas and "dust", the planetary nebulae, that surrounded protostars.
- The Moon formed from debris blasted free from Earth when our planet collided with a Mars-sized planet early during the history of the solar system.
- A planet the size of the Moon or larger will assume a near-spherical shape because the warm rock inside is so soft that gravity can smooth out irregularities.

Crust, Outer Core (liquid Fe alloy), Inner Core (solid FeNi alloy)
- Earth has a magnetic field, which shields it from solar wind.
Magnetic Field: the region affected by the force emanating from a magnet
Solar Wind: particles ejected from the Sun consist predominantly of protons and electrons and constitute the wind which blows across the full width of the solar system at speeds of up to 400 km/s
- a layer of gas surrounds the Earth
- the surface of the Earth can be divided into land and ocean.
- the Earth consists of organic chemicals, minerals, glasses, rocks, metals, melts, and volatiles.
- the Earth's interior can be divided into 3 compositionally distinct layers crust, mantle, & core.
- pressure and temperature both rease wtih epth in the Earth.
- studies of seismic waves have revealed the existence of sublayers in core and mantle.
- the crust is a thin skin that varies in thickness from 7-10 km to 25-70 km.
- the crust plus the upper part of the mantle constitute the lithosphere, a relatively rigid shell.
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