Fleur (sacre_fleur) wrote in strugglewithin, @ 2008-12-16 15:37:00 |
Entry tags: | *complete, fleur weasley, percy weasley, september 1997 |
RP: Dark Streets
Characters: Fleur Weasley, Open
Place: Diagon Alley, Madam Malkins to start.
When: Tuesday afternoon 16 September.
What: Fleur is a bit perturbed by the new "precautions" in Diagon Alley.
Status: Public/Complete (Ping on people with wherever your character is in the alley, I can do multiple threads and Fleur is running errands.)
Fleur did not yet have her papers and had been stopped once exiting Gringotts after her half day was over and once again while just walking down the street. She had explained, barely keeping the ire from her voice, that her last name began with a W and hence she had not received hers yet, but when pressed she had produced her apparition license, which had given her some leeway. The wizards checking identifications were heavily cloaked and carried large sticks in addition to their wands, and she actually saw them chase someone down towards Knockturn at one point when that person could not produce any identification.
It was horrifying and she felt the disgust at it building. After her experience at the Ministry last week she knew even more clearly what they were facing. Just ahead was another checkpoint as she approached Flourish and Blotts, so she ducked into Madam Malkins, simply because she hoped he would be distracted by someone else later on. The shop was mostly empty, save a few people, and she went to a display of robes aimlessly, looking through them as if she had meant to come into the shop. She did not want to attract attention, particularly after the incident with Remus a few weeks back.