Tonks stepped in the door, actually doing fairly well with feeling up today. Yes, Remus was gone, but she didn't puke her guts out this morning and the tea shop had her favourite stuff on sell, and the heat of the weather was soon going to break and, over all, life wasn't that bad. An earnest smile remained across her lips as she pushed her way into the Ministry at a fairly good clip. Lost in her own thoughts she didn't even really notice the statue until she nearly plowed over her partner and direct boss looking up to it.
She stopped, stumbling back from Graylin, then blinked between Gray, Gawain, and the monstrosity above them.
A second later, all sane filters of thoughts to mouth in Tonks brain dropped and, loud enough for the entire room to hear, the pink haired woman exclaimed, "What in -bloody hell- is that?!"