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Stranger Games RP

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[Log] In The City [Aug. 25th, 2012|09:08 pm]
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SG - Sophie Ruby - In the City

Who: Sophie, Ruby
When: August 8th
Where: The Cafeteria
What: Sophie and Ruby have a chat about how different they are. Sophie agrees to go dancing and help make Gin Charlie’s life hell.
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: Yes

Respect the voodoo. Respect it! )
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A Present just for you! [Aug. 25th, 2012|02:37 pm]
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Who: Gin Charlie, Heraclitus
When: August 6th
Where: The dorms
What: Gin Charlie brings Heraclitus a very interesting present.
Warnings: Swearing
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

What IS it? )
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Curious Visitors... [Aug. 24th, 2012|05:04 pm]
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Who: Itachi and Balfour
When: August 11th
Where: The Infirmary
What: After hearing Balfour passed out on his way to the infirmary, Itachi goes to check up on him.
Warnings: None?
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: Yes.

That do not worry at all. )
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[Log] Afterwards.... [Aug. 21st, 2012|02:14 pm]
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Who: Balfour Vallet, Kamizuki Izumo
When: July 14th
Where: The dorms
What: Izumo and Balfour chat a little after sexy times. Comments on Izumo’s piercings.
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, Izumo’s piercings. :|
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Afterwards... )
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[Log] Nighterrors [Aug. 20th, 2012|12:42 pm]
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Who: Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui, Gin Charlie
When: August 6th
Where: The dorms
What: A creature visits Itachi and gives him both nasty dreams and burns. Itachi flees to his protector, and Shisui worries. When all is said and done, candles are the best remedy.
Warnings: Nasty dreams
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Old demons and dangerous spirits. )
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Creatures of Dreams [Aug. 20th, 2012|01:45 pm]
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Who: Uchiha Shisui, Gin Charlie, Heraclitus
When: August 4th
Where: All over the dorms and in the infirmary.
What: Due to nasty dreams and monsters, Shisui flees his room. Gin Charlie kills something. He’s but the first in the attacks.
Warnings: Cursing, rotting corpses, killing things.
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No.

Invisible lizards and acidic monsters )
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[Log] Earth [Aug. 16th, 2012|04:34 pm]
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Who: Gin Charlie, Molly
When: August 7th
Where: Gin Charlie’s Office
What: The monsters come for Gin Charlie. His dreams are not so easily perverted, and he has some help on his side.
Warnings: None
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Earth )
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Past Corpses [Aug. 16th, 2012|12:11 pm]
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Who: Kamizuki Izumo, Abumi Zaku
When: August 8th
Where: The dorms
What: Izumo has bad dreams. Zaku inadvertently comes to the rescue, and for once Gin Charlie is late to the party.
Warnings: Swearing, murder, drugs, Trigger Warnings: abuse, torture, mentions of rape
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Izumo )
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[Log] Animal Side [Aug. 16th, 2012|11:48 am]
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Who: Kamizuki Izumo, Ruby
When: July 14th
Where: The grounds
What: Ruby is bored. She’s looking for Izumo. But what is that on his head?
Warning: Swearing, flirting
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: Yes

Animal Side )
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[Log] Witching Panic [Aug. 16th, 2012|09:41 am]
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Who: Uchiha Shisui, Sophie Hatter
When: August 2nd
Where: Shisui’s room, The grounds
What: Shisui freaks out. Sophie tries to help.
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: Yes, when they’re outside.

Meddling meddlers and panicking assassins. What could go wrong? )
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[Log] Aftershock [Aug. 15th, 2012|10:03 pm]
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Who: Uchiha Shisui, Ruby
When: June 15th, Evening
Where: Infirmary
What: Two kids are drugged up - but not too badly. They talk about life, the types of crazy you can be, flirting, and Ruby stands guard.
Warnings: Language, flashing people.
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

“Please )
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Make Up Games [Aug. 12th, 2012|10:09 pm]
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Who: Uchiha Shisui, Kamizuki Izumo
When: August 1st
Where: The forest
What: Shisui runs across Izumo, Izumo gives him "bad" ideas, and they insult each other. In the friendliest way possible.
Warnings: Swearing, lewd suggestions, fireplay
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Do you stalk people this often? )
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[Log] Got The Moves Like..... [Aug. 10th, 2012|05:38 pm]
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Who: Dave Strider, Kamizuki Izumo
When: July 10th
Where:The dorms
What: Dave gets around, spars with Izumo and hangs out with his homies. Check it, dude.
Warnings: Swearing
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Got The Moves Like... )
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[Log] Scream Like a Banshee [Aug. 7th, 2012|10:35 pm]
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Who: Uchiha Itachi, Kamizuki Izumo
When: July 13th
Where: The dorms
What: Itachi finds trouble, and Izumo comes to the rescue! Except not - things have changed.
Warnings: Swearing
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Scream Like a Banshee )
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[Log] Midget Roomie Eyeball Snacking Extravaganza [Aug. 7th, 2012|03:11 pm]
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Who: Uchiha Itachi, Dave Strider
When: July 15
Where: Dave and Itachi’s Room
What: Dave meets his roomie. Itachi seems to have shrunk in the wash. Doesn’t anyone know people aren’t supposed to be in the clothes when you wash them?
Warnings: Dave’s mouth.
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: Yes

You swear too much. )
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Izumo Zaku - Uneasy Roomies [Aug. 6th, 2012|11:47 am]
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Who: Abumi Zaku, Kamizuki Izumo
When: June 15th
Where: The Dorms
What: Izumo is released from the infirmary, and finds his roomie. They chat. Also, mice!
Warnings: Izumo, swearing
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

”Even )
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Pleased To Meet You (Won’t You Guess My Name) [Aug. 6th, 2012|11:40 am]
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Who: Dean Winchester, Ruby
When: May 14th
Where: Out in the trees
What: Ruby and Dean meet, discuss monsters and different worlds
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: Yes

Something )
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[Aug. 3rd, 2012|11:54 pm]

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SG - Balfour Izumo - Topsy Turvy Meetings

Who: Balfour Vallet, Kamizuki Izumo
When: July 14th
Where: The dorms
What: Balfour runs into Izumo. The poor man has no idea what just hit him...
Warnings: Izumo heavy flirting, footsie, debauchery of the innocent, and some swearing.
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Topsy )
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[Log] Reflection of a Name [Aug. 1st, 2012|12:57 pm]
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Who: Kamizuki Izumo
When: July 7th
Where: All over the Ludus!
What: A day in the life of Izumo. Faces, names, and games....and the problems thereof.
Warnings: Izumo
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Reflection of a Name )
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[Log] Trigger Point [Aug. 1st, 2012|01:12 am]
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Who: Uchiha Shisui, Kamizuki Izumo
When: July 13th Mid day
Where: Just outside the dorms, and then the forest
What: Shisui just wants to talk at someone, and Izumo has time to listen. Memories of the past reappear, Izumo freaks out, and Shisui learns that there are some things you shouldn’t talk about.
Warnings: Swearing, a triggered person, descriptions of death.
Open or Closed: Closed
Observable: No

Baby...did you forget to take your meds? )
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