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PSL? Het & Slash [11 Sep 2017|09:49am]
Something HET for:

-Imogen Poots PB ♥
- Liv Tyler - PB
- Scarlett Johansson - PB

- Julia Maddon - Need for Speed (movie)
- Natasha Romanoff - Avengers -AUish

Wanted but not limited to... )
And something SLASH for:

- Chris Colfer - PB
- Matthew Daddario - PB

- My version of an adult Kurt Hummel
- TV version of Alec Lightwood

Wanted but not limited to... )

Due to the possiblity of IJ going down thanks to the hurricane and weather conditions. I'm up for writing via email until the problem is solved.
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[ viewing | September 11th, 2017 ]
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