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[18 Nov 2012|08:51am]
[info]camdenvillage! An apartment complex game set in Rutland, VT!
Get your holds in! We open with ten applications!
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[18 Nov 2012|10:09am]
looking for something for this lovely lady. comment here or the screened post in the journal!
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[18 Nov 2012|01:21pm]
Check out journal for ideas/info.
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[18 Nov 2012|08:41pm]
Lately I've been in the mood for something set in a circus or carnival, I'd love to play a pair of performers, maybe magicians or trapeze artists or even clowns. Bonus points if we can somehow make it spooky or supernatural-themed! I'm a big fan of world-building, I'm thinking a setting kind of like The Night Circus or The Devil's Carnival.

Slash or femme please, both threading and aim are okay, but I'd prefer to keep scenes to threads. If we go with a modern-day circus or carnival however, I think spam posts and aim chats could be a lot of fun. Just drop me a comment for a custom plotting post!
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[ viewing | November 18th, 2012 ]
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