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[03 Nov 2012|07:29am]
Could I get a Slytherin personality or Slytherin compatible personality fandom character or two over to the panfan comm [info]f_rogers? It doesn't have to be from Harry Potter, it could be from any allowable fandom. I'd love more friend lines for this character. She's a Slytherin from the Trio's year, a radio personality, and calculatingly guarded. Friendships would have to be organically developed, but isn't that the best kind?
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[03 Nov 2012|02:43pm]
would someone maybe be interested in a line against a carmen carrera pb?
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[03 Nov 2012|02:45pm]
Looking for a few key roles for a story arch involving a cross over between Oz and Wonderland in a Once Upon A Time based game. We already have a group of great writers in game, but I'm specifically looking for a scarecrow and a queen of hearts to fill in the blanks for my character's storyline. If you're interested, please let me know!

The game welcomes any and all storybook characters, as well as canon characters already featured in the show Once Upon A Time, so if you're interested beyond the specific characters I've mentioned, feel free to check out [info]marotte
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[03 Nov 2012|08:52pm]
After the psl I was discussion fell apart I've decided to try my luck looking for someone else (or a small group) that might be interested in the following line. It is based on an altered Marvel cinematic verse where the Avengers (and the other Marvel heroes) succeed in stopping the Chitauri invasion but die in the process. After this, SHIELD begins recruiting a new group of potential heroes and training them to fill the void left behind. Whether using original characters or new takes on canon characters, I'm up for it.

I'd love to get together a small group but I'm open to a psl as well (although I'm a strict slash player in one-on-one lines). The "character ideas" are just ideas to get brainstorming started, nothing is permanent.

premise )
character ideas )
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[ viewing | November 3rd, 2012 ]
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