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[23 Jun 2012|01:31pm]
Honestly, I never do this, but would anyone be interested in an Andrew/Emma psl? It's been ages since I've done het, and even though I tried valiantly, I couldn't help myself from falling into their bandwagon. Aside from that, here's an even longer shot: home for an Emma, maybe?
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[23 Jun 2012|03:28pm]
[info]bhills. LA based pb game opening wednesday. lots of faces available.
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[23 Jun 2012|09:56pm]
PB psl with a Garrett Hedlund, Tim Mcgrew, Elijah Wood, Chris Hemsworth, Ewan Mcgregor,Orlando Bloom, Robert Pattinson or Zac Efron? It would be a one night stand kind of line, possibly. Hit me up if you are interested. Comments are screened for privacy!

Ya'll would be doing me a huge favor by giving me something to do on this boring night!
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Doors [23 Jun 2012|10:41pm]
[info]doorsmods looking for: Fables, Snow White and the Huntsman, Once Upon a Time, Batman, Superman, Game of Thrones, Spider-Man, Avengers, X-Men, Inception, American Horror Story, BBC Sherlock.
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[ viewing | June 23rd, 2012 ]
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