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[16 Jun 2012|01:25pm]
Absolutely dying to get a Niall Horan for my Demi Lovato. ANY takers?
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Gauging interest [16 Jun 2012|02:29pm]
Looking to see if there is interest in a community or gpsl based on the movie Rock Of Ages. There would be canon characters and OCs but OCs would have to be original, not loosely based on canon characters. The game would be slash, het and femme friendly. It would be mostly based at The Bourbon Room club. Comment here or on the screened post in this journal with anything you might have to say on the topic.

Heavily crossposted.
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[16 Jun 2012|04:02pm]
I'm bringing in this girl at [info]wolfies. She's gamma of the Illinois pack, which is the werewolf Mafia. She's a very ambitious wolf and wants to oust the beta and take over that position herself. I would love for someone to bring in the beta and have a rivalry going between the two. More info on her in the journal.

Would also like other Illinois members, other wolves pack or rogue, humans and hunters! :)
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[ viewing | June 16th, 2012 ]
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