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have him at ~scopata [14 Jun 2012|05:12am]
would anyone be up for joining for a slash line? i'm not picky in whom.
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[14 Jun 2012|08:12am]

Older characters are needed for the mafia!
Sons of Silence president and his wife!
Escorts, strippers, ladies of the night!
Doctors, lawyers, cops, detectives... all welcome!

I have a few lines in mind for this girl and I'm open to any others!
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[14 Jun 2012|11:23pm]
I'd like to write a darker sci-fi idea based around the idea of a person being used as an alien egg host. (The alien part could be changed if someone had another idea along the same lines.) My main desire in writing these lines is to get some angst sci-fi fix by playing something that can't happen. Details here.
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[ viewing | June 14th, 2012 ]
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