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[23 Feb 2012|12:09am]
would love something based on once upon a time’s version of beauty & the beast. doesn’t have to be belle/rumpelstiltskin- willing to plot!
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Calling All Hufflepuffs! [23 Feb 2012|07:10pm]
Hey there. You. Yes you! Do you write a good Hufflepuff? You do? Good!

And you! Right there. Yeah, I see you glancing my way. Never played one before? Well, have you been wanting to dip your toes into the pond of Puff goodness? I bet you have...

So! Why not take a gander over at [info]amesoeurmods? We really need us some Puffs. After all, what would the world be like without them? A sad, sad place, I say.
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[23 Feb 2012|09:58pm]
I'm looking for an Artie Abrams for my Tina Cohen-Chang. The game is set in an AU verse where the none of the kids meet until college. It hasn't opened yet! If you're interested, let me know and I'll explain it more!
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[ viewing | February 23rd, 2012 ]
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